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Hollow Chapter: 11 新しい

For the most part I guess things went back to normal. I mean Ruki was house hopping between friends, but that happened before now. I went to school in my usual uniform and long down hair style. Shinji and I walked to school and once again the boy's car roared by with their usual posse of girl in it. Ruki was there too and looked to be having some "fun." This man's emotions are all over the place. I still can't get how he was acting the other night out of my head.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?" Shinji asks jokingly.

"He's not my boyfriend." I declare back.

"D-i-n-i-a-l" He spells out.

"What do you know?!" I say angerly.

"Fine fine. I'll drop it." He says putting his hands up in defeat.

When we got to school, I was almost late for my first hour class but got in just in the nick of time. To no surprise, Ruki has his hands and mouth all over someone. I really can't figure him out and it's driving me up a wall. He was kissing yet another girl. He's more confusing than a Rubik's cube I swear.

The day went by mostly quickly until I was heading to 7th period and was cornered by Reita in the hallway.

"Hey Moka?" He asks.

"Yes?" I question.

"Ruki wants you to come over to my place tonight." He says casually.

"Why are you the one asking me this? And what makes you think I'd agree?" I state.

"Because he's busy breaking up with a girl." He says in monotone.

"I just saw him with a girl, and it's didn't look like he was going to break up with her." I say recalling the scene from this morning.

"Haven't you heard of letting them down easily?" He says.

"I think you need to look up the meaning of that one again." I say back.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter." He writes something down then hands it to me.

"Come here at 5:00 and don't be late." He states.

"Ok then?" I say and he walks away.

I didn't really want to go, but I guess I had no choice as per usual. I had no clue what was ever going on in Riki's mind. His priorities change so quickly.

I headed to the address at the time I was told. I was about to go inside when I look up to see snow falling. It was so pretty. It's been awhile since I've seen snow. I didn't snow very much when I lived in Tokyo. I forgot what I was doing for a moment and then headed inside.

"Hey, Moka come in." Reita says. It was weird. He wasn't all dressed up in his usual bad ass approach, it was more, rebel. A t-shirt, holey jeans, and his nose band.

"Come this way." he says motioning me to follow him.

I follow him into what appears to be his room. I heard another girl somewhere and I suspected girl friends, but I forgot that Reita had a sister who was a 3rd year. I walked into a room that was your typical high school boys room. Not that I expected anything less. It was covered with picture of spots cars, videogames, and of course girls. I had never seen so many erotic pictures of women in my life. Is this healthy? Then I spot Ruki and Aoi sitting on the floor.

"Moka!" Aoi says.

"Hey..." I say. Ruki quickly pulls me down so that I'm sitting on his lap.

"Hey babe, how you doing tonight?" He smirks.

"Don't call me babe. How many times have I said that." I say without eye contact. He just smiles that smirk of his as I squirm off his lap.

"Let's go out for awhile." He pulls me up with him then grabs my wrist and drags me outside a little ways.

"R-ruki!" I protest.

"What?" he lets go of me and pulls out and lights and cigarette. At first I was kinda skeptical but not surprised. He blew out the deep grey smoke and takes in a deep breath. His now black and red hair hangs in his face, but you can still glimpse his deep blue eyes. Wait... his eyes are blue he must be wearing contacts. He looks up at the sky and then slowly sits back down to the ground. That's when I notice that he's looking at the falling snow.

"Come on." He says. And we begin to walk. He takes another deep drag of the cigarette and releases the smoke. We just walked. We didn't talk or anything. We just walked along the side of the road until he broke the silence.

"Moka?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"You never seemed like the wild type to me." He says.

"Ok? What's that suppose to mean?" I ask.

He throws his cigarette on the ground and out of nowhere pins up against the wall.

"Ruki-" I start. I was caught off guard.

"My little Moka. Why are you so scared of me? Are you afraid? Do you really hate me like you say?" he whispers to me.

I didn't know what to why was he doing this. He's always pulling 180s like this. He put his hand on my hip and his face got really close mine. I did the only think any girl would have done in that situation would have done when their scared to death. Kicked him where it hurts.

"Jesus what the fuck Moka?!?" He says as he falls to the ground.

After that little episode he scared the living hell out of me. Why all of a sudden would he do that? I bolted home without even a glance back.

"Hey sis have fun on your date?" Shinji says.

"For the last time, it was not a date!" I say walking into my room. I replay the whole night in my head and find myself laughing at the last part. He had that coming.

The next day school I walk into first hour class and see Ruki staring off into the sky again. When he notices me, he awkwardly crosses his legs.

"I'm not going to kick you again." I say. 

"That was uncalled for and hurt like a son of a bitch." He says. I can't help, but smile and chuckle a little bit.

"It's not fucking funny!" He says clearly flustered.

"It was to me!" I say. The bell rings and class begins. The day was mostly boring as per usual until the last class of the day.

"Oh and class tomorrow we will be getting a transfer student! So I want everyone on their best behavior."

A new student interesting. I wonder what they will be like? I walked home though the deep snow and after awhile got into the nice warm sanctuary of my house. Interesting only 23 days till Christmas. I thought to myself. I wonder what this holiday season has in store for me...

End of Chapter...

Next Chapter: 質問

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