20: Endeavor

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Finally we had headed back to school, it was nice that Ruki also got to come back with us. it was a pretty never racking weekend, but now were all back except Ruki came back with his black cast.

I walk by my locker to see Lish kissing Reita.


"What?" she says pulling away from him.


"Hey Moka." Akuma says in a perfectly normal mood.

"If someone doesn’t tell me what is going on right now then I'm going to flip a desk!"

"Moka, Reita and I were must arguing over who is a better kisser. I was proving a point."

"Oh that makes sense." I move my eyes to Reita but he just averts his eyes from me. That's odd to me.

The bell rings for class and I head off in that direction. First period was different because Ruki kept passing me strange notes.

"You ok today?"

"Yup about the same as always."

"Well that's good. Nothing's bothering you?"



Second period Kai would only talk if he absolutely had to, witch means if it involved not destroying our food.

in fact as I went though the day none of the guys, with the exception of Ruki were even really looking in my general direction.

"Ruki what's up with the guys today? is something wrong with me?"

"no Moka... there just acting weird is all."

there not the only ones acting weird, the only people even acting normal around here is Lish and Akuma. "Moka there's something I have to tell you." Akuma says to me.

"What would that be?"

"I'm heading back to live with my dad for awhile."

"But why?"

"Oh... you don't know?" then the bell rings.

"See you later Moka, we'll be in touch." and she walks off. I don't know what? this is so confusing everyone knows something that I don't.

there was only one other person that might know what is going on around here and that's Lish.

"Hey Lish can we talk?" 

"You'll have to walk with me I have to get home."


"Why are the guys acting so weird none of them will talk to me and it's killing me. what is going on?"

"Well, Moka..."


"You see it's pretty complicated."

"Lish, just tell me!"

"Moka..." I just stared at her. not blinking, not talking, I needed to know.

"Lish Hurry up were going to be late!" I hear a man who looks like her dad say.

"I have to go Moka." she says running off.

I stop walking and see her worried look from the car, then they drive off.

I walk home slowly. I feel my phone vibrate. I look and see that it's Ruki.

"Ready to celebrate?" I reads.

"Sure." I reply.

I meet him outside the coffee shop. his coat only half on because of the cast and arm position.

"Ready to go?"

"yeah." I say with my head down.

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah. I guess."

he smiles and puts his left arm around me and we begin walking.

after a good night out he are walking back when Ruki says,

Moka maybe we should go to Uruha's house, he's out with Lish and no one is home.

"Sure why not." I say only half listening.

When we get to Uruha's house he leads me to Uruha's room and he sits down on his bed, pulls me on his lap and starts kissing me. I really didn't suspect anything, I mean it's Ruki. well I guess that's one reason to be suspicious right there.

"What's up? you don't really act this this?" I say getting him to pay attention.

"What do you mean?" he goes into kiss me again but I pull away.


"Ruki, what the hell is wrong?"

"Nothing I wanna know what's wrong with you?"

"I wanna know what's wrong with you!"

"Moka, tonight was spouse to be our night to be together." I just stare at him maybe he's right and maybe I'm just too paranoid about things.

Lather that night I head back to my house and can do nothing but fall on my bed asleep. The only thing I thought about in my dreams was Ruki and how strange everyone was acting.

that next morning I walked to school with Shinji. I walk in to class just in time and sit in my seat. I look over expecting to see Ruki staring out the window, but some other red haired girl was sitting there. I figured maybe his seat got moved, but he was no where in the room. I headed to my next class assuming that he skipped for the day. I took my seat in the next class and looked over to Kai to see what we were going to make today, but again a different boy with black hair was sitting next to me now. it wasn't just Ruki and Kai, Uruha, Aoi, and Reita all of them were gone. I finally at the end of the day, went to the office. I asked the receptionist if Takanori Matsumoto was present today  

, but all she said was, "Takanori Matsumoto no longer attends school here. he dropped out yesterday."

I didn't say another word. I just walked out of there. his words ringing in my head.

"I think I might drop out of school and start a band with the guys..."

how could he? just leave me... alone... I never thought he would... I got home seeing I was the only one there. I went into my room and screamed into my pillow. "You fucking asshole! You selfish jerk! I hope you do become famous and get just what you want! but you'll.... y-you'll..." then I start crying uncontrollably. "damn it, damn you Ruki..." I just don't get it...

Chpater: 21 Depression...

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