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Hollow Chapter: 2 あなたはルキと呼ばれていますか? (They Call You Ruki?)

I can't tell you how much I tried to forget that kiss, but there was no way it was possible. What would possess anyone to kiss a complete stranger? He literally must have a screw lose. Why would he do that? It's just makes no sense, we have never even said two words to each other basically.

I walk in the door and Shinji says, "Hey where were you? I had to leave without you?" he says.

"Sorry, I caught caught up by someone." I say.

"Oh really? Got a perspective boyfriend in the works?" he says with a smirk.

"No." I hiss back.

I walk into my room and lay down on my bed. I still keep thinking about it and just why he would have ever done that to a girl he doesn't even know. Does he think that since he may "Rule the School" he can kiss whatever girl he wants whenever he wants? That's the most primitive thing I've ever considered. Like there's no way someone is that shallow is he? I wonder if it's too late to enroll in a different school. I really don't wanna go back there and find out what will happen next...

Before I knew it, the second day of school had already come. Shinji and I walked to school again. When we get there I feel like every girl within eye distance of me is shooting me a dirty look. What did I do? I wanted to hide. I held my text book nearly in front of my face hoping that the girls would some how not see me.

I head to my first class and take a deep breath. There he is. Sitting in the same spot as yesterday with the same dumb far off gaze. If I didn't know any better I'd day that this is a completely different person from the boy I saw yesterday. This guy has a completely messed up personality that I don't care to learn anymore about.

Once class was over, I quickly head to my next one where to my disbelief, one of the other boys is. English. It was the one with the lip ring. He didn't pay any attention the whole class. What a surprise. He just kept waving at various girls. Flirting with his eyes. I literally wanted to gag. Do girls really like this stuff? Then it was on to the next. Why of all classes would one of these guys be in home ec? This was the one class I was hoping I could get away from these boys. I really don't understand them at all. They're so confusing.

"Ito Moka and Uke Yutaka." Of. Course.

Why would literally any other student be my partner? That would just be a darn shame. For a guy who doesn't talk much when he's not around his buddies, he's is an amazingly good cook I will admit that. He was quick to start working on the recipe in silence. He didn't even use measuring cups, he was able to eyeball every measurement perfectly. It wasn't until he was done and I stoped starting that he held out a bite between two chop sticks motions me to taste. Although I was hesitant, I took the bite and it was blissful. The most flavorful and delicious thing I had ever put in my mouth. My facial expression softened and my emotions about the food were easily read.

"I know, amazing." He says with confidence.

"I won't lie, it was delicious." I unwillingly admit. He was quiet for a moment smiling to himself before his expression changed and he asked a rhetorical question.

"I'm surprised Ruki has taken an interest in you." He says.

"Ruki?" I question.

"Takanori, but if you call him that, he drop your body in international waters. Only those close to him call him by his real name." He says.

"Oh." I respond.

"I mean he usually goes for the "easy" looking girls and yesterday was definitely anything but easy." He says.

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