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Hollow Chapter 5 信じる(Believe)

"Morning, Moka!" My dad says.

"Morning." I say emotionless.

"I forgot to tell you yesterday that I'm going to be gone for a couple days, so you can invite someone over to stay with you to keep you and you company." He says gathering his things together.

"Is Shinji not enough?" I ask.

"I Won't be here. I have a school trip. I'll be back when dad gets back." Shinij says.

"It's really not that big of a deal dad, I've stayed by myself tons of times." I say.

"Don't you want someone to stay with you?" he says.

"Nah I can stay home alone." I say.

"No no no, you have to have someone stay with you, I'll even allow a boy. It would be a good way for you and your friends to get closer or to get a potential boyfriend." He says raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not laughing dad."

"Well, you better get to school. Tell me who's staying over after school, love you two!" Hew says walking out the door.

We leave and go to school. The day was mostly normal. As normal as it can be. Ruki staring out the window, Aoi flirting with girls, Kai's cooking amazing as usual. Everything was mostly until after school.

"Why don't I walk you home?" Ruki says.

"Umm no thanks, I'd like to see tomorrow." I say trying to leave.

"You say this like you had a choice." He says.

He aggressively links arms with me and starts dragging me in the direction of my house. What could he possibly want now? It was a long walk home. Ruki never once loosened his grip on my arm until we were directly outside my house. Once we make it to the door I figure that he would turn around and leave again like before, but I was wrong. He lets go of my arm and I quickly go inside. I open the door and say,

"I'm home!" I say seeing if everyone was gone.

"Hey, Moka!" dad says surprisingly. He's never usually here this early.

I hear Ruki's foot catch the door and I instranly froze. This can't be happening. He peaks his head in the door and my dad must notice him because he says,

"Who's your friend there?"

+ RUKI +

This is it, time for my trump card. This plan has yet to fail because it's full proof. I can charm the pants of literally anyone.

"This... is Takanori." Moka stutters.

"A friend of yours?" her dad says.

"Yeah! We have first hour together." I jump in with a smile that would put the pope to shame. Oh yes, I'm so charming.

"I see, is this your friend who's staying with you while I'm gone Moka?" He says.

Oh this just keeps getting better and better. I quickly answer before she has the chance to answer.

"Yeah!" I feel my smile grow wider and see the panic start to set in on Moka's face. I love to see her squirm.

This was going quite well. A lot better than I thought it would. I mean I couldn't get any more lucky than I have right now. Her dad basically gave me full unsupervised access to his daughter for a whole night. I almost feel sorry for them.

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