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Hollow Chapter: 14 臨む (Wish)

Finally! Winter break! Nothing could possibly ruin this now! The snow was falling outside and the air was cold and tickled with the familiar feeling of snowflakes.

"Moka you should come with me to get a "Mocha latte." Lish says though the phone. I can see her punny look now.

"Very funny, but you know as well as I do that I hate coffee." I say.

"Then you can get hot chocolate, just come with me!" She begs.

"Fine let me get my coat and I'll meet you at the usual place." I say.

So I grabbed my coat and headed out into the white powdery fluff outside. I expected her to be standing there with Uruha, but she was alone for once. Shocking!

"Hey Moka!" she says.

"Hey." And we head inside. I got my hot chocolate and Lish got her fancy Coffee. We headed back outside.

"Man, it's really cold out here." I say.

"No kidding..." Lish adds.

We were going to walk back to my house is what I assumed, but Lish stopped for a moment.

"Moka?" She asks.

"hmm?" I say though sipping my hot cocoa.

"What do you "really" think of Takanori?" She asks.

Why the hell was she pulling this out of the blue? And she never calls him Takanori. No one does. This is getting more and more weird.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just answer the question. Do you really hate him?" She asks.

"Well hate is a strong word... He just irritates me sometimes I guess... He seems nice at times, but spoiled as well. I mean, we didn't start off very well, but now it seems like were ok... Sometimes. I just don't get what makes me so special.

"Moka... you like Takanori don't you?" She states bluntly.

"W-WHAT?!" I say nearly dropping my drink.

"Just admit it, it's so obvious." She says now with a smile.

"But I don't!" I protest.

"Whatever~" She says walking away.

"Lish!" I say following her.

"Do you just not like bad boys or something? There so much better then shy nice boys any day." She says.

"Drop it will you." I beg.

"Have you every even dated someone before?" She asks.

"Once..." I say lowly.

"Oh?" She says.

"Well, you see at my old school I dated a boy. I thought he was just so perfect and that we would be together forever. That was until I saw him with another girl... Stupid of me to think in high school right?" I say.

"So? You can't let one asshole in the past fuck up the rest of your life." She says sensing my sensitivity to the subject.

"So, if this guy didn't break your heart would you go out with Ruki?" She adds.

"One has nothing to do with the other." I state.

"Can't you tell that he's totally head over heels for you?" She says.

"He probably want's only one thing..." I say.

"Moka, grow up, if that's what he wanted to, do you honestly think that he'd be putting up with you when there are other more willing girls everywhere? I know how he comes off, but he's cleaned up." She says.

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