Think About Me - Saquon Barkley

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Dedicated to  TheCreativeSilence


Yeah, I bet they'll never know
I know you still think about me
How could you not think about me?


"And my man is on his way to the NBA can you believe that? I'm so proud of you baby!"

The light shone down on the happy couple surrounded by their friends. The setting was quaint , the usual bougie upscale restaurant people went to when their celebrations were big , 1 in a million and today was one of those days. Abigail leaned into her boyfriend of two years Saquon Barkley and the NFL prospect kissed the top of her head a little under where her curly bangs covered her forehead.

Across from them Ri , her best friend sipped her glass of wine and simmered in her own thoughts. The red walls appealed to her , seemed like they knew her secrets and she swallowed her wine down hard as she avoided watching an interaction she knew not to believe in , one which hurt her , sent a tinge of jealousy down her spine which was soon doused with regret.

She tapped her foot lightly on the white marble floors and tried to look at everything but him while Abigail chatted on about his accomplishments.

Did she even know?

"Ri! Ri!"

Blue coffin nails snapped in her face and she looked up a bit startled but instead of meeting Abigail's eyes she looked straight into Quon's. He was staring , he always stared , how did Abigail never notice?

"Yeah sorry , my mind's somewhere else , what's up?"

Ri's sultry voice came out in a statement barely above a whisper , it was a murmur , she was still coming down to earth from her thoughts and the slight eye contact she'd made had her shaken.

"Obviously. Still thinking about Sterling? That boy is your ticket man."

Abigail quipped and Ri laughed wryly at the comment. Sterling Shepard was nothing to her, they'd gone out and she wasn't feeling him , she was too busy wrapped around someone else , someone she could never have.

"It was just a date , we're friends that's all."

"Leave Ri alone , she'll handle her business."

Their other friend Toby chimed in , he was on the basketball team at Penn state and he and Saquon went way back to rugrats and rattles.

That shut Abigail up for the moment , but the girl still quirked her eyebrow in slight interest at Ri. The girls were so opposite when you looked at them. Abigail was all about getting her bank and bundles , she wanted to be a trophy wife which is why she was majoring in Kinesiology at Penn State while Ri had ambition , she was independent. She grew up in a home where both her mother and father taught her that she came into the world alone and she'd have to survive and leave it in that same manner.

Ri was a pre law major and in her future she saw herself being the best judge that ever came out of Philadelphia.

"Well , you'll get you a Saquon one day , we can't all be so lucky , right baby?"

Abigail amended before she looked up at her boyfriend lovingly and Ri hazarded looking at him. She observed how he glanced at Abigail barely before answering her.

"Yeah baby , you're a lucky one."

With that said , Saquon kissed Abigail's forehead and Ri's head swung at seeing the interaction. She had to get it together so with one last sip of her wine she excused herself to the restroom.

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