Bed | D'Angelo Russell

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Wanna put my fingers through your hair
Wrap me up in your legs
And love you till your eyes roll back
I'm tryna put you to bed, bed, bed
I'ma put you to bed, bed, bed
Then I'ma rock ya body
Turn you over
Love is war, I'm your soldier


"D'Angelo stop!" Zolee giggled as he continued to kiss her neck as she walked him upstairs."

Currently she was dragging her intoxicated complicated lover up to his room to care for him after a month and a half of them being at odds.

"C'mon Zolee , you know you want me too." He challenged but he was so drunk that she knew she couldn't let that happen. However she'd be lying if she said she didn't want him as badly as she could feel he wanted her.

When they reached his bedroom she laid him down and he pulled her on top of him.

"Zo" he whined helplessly as he stared up at her with big lustful eyes and she laughed before she kissed him, taking in his taste of weed and vodka. As offensive as it was, with one look at his pouted lips she found she didn't mind.

"You're drunk D, as much as I want you right now and I really do , you're too gone. I'm going to go shower and you're going to stay here then I'm going to make something so you're hang over doesn't kill you tomorrow , alright babe?" \

She moved to get off of him but he pulled her back down firmly onto him.

"Fuck all that Zolee , I'm not that drunk now be good for daddy."

Zolee's laughter increased exponentially as she wriggled her way down so she laid next to him before she hugged his waist.

"It's not gonna happen DLo so go to sleep and when you wake up if you're not too sick you might get some."

He sighed in frustration knowing she meant what she said. Defeated he held onto her tightly, hugging her close to him before after minutes of drunk rambling about how much he loved her, he finally fell asleep. She'd never seen D'Angelo surrender before like that but she was glad he did.

If he'd asked her one more time he may have gotten just what he wanted. However, D'Angelo barely remembered to use condoms with her when he was sober so it would a completely different dilemma to imagine if he wasn't fully sensible.

She eventually snuck out of his arms and went downstairs where she began making her hangover remedy. After the concoction was done she put it in the fridge for the following day, then she  got a bucket from downstairs and put it next to him on his side of the bed. She'd stayed with D'Angelo in his home a couple of time and she'd seen him at numerous parties. Yet this was the worst she'd ever seen him get , he never partied this hard. She kissed his forehead then went to take a shower.

It was 5 am and she obviously would not be getting any sleep. When she came out an hour later he was spewing his guts into the bucket and she quickly went into action. She rubbed his back as he did so before she laid him up and got the hang over remedy she made the night before.

When she gave the glass containing the green thick liquid to him he made a face.

"Zolee I'm not drinking that shit."

She rolled her eyes before she sat on his lap and made him look at her.

"Yes you are , so you can feel better. If you drink all of this I'll make you breakfast and then we can do what you were begging me to do last night."

At her proposition his eyes went huge. Suddenly he took it from her and swallowed it down in two gulps before he smacked her ass. "Now go make daddy some breakfast." He commanded with a cocky smile and Zolee couldn't help but to laugh at his change in demeanor.

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