Naked | Jordan Clarkson

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I need somebody who loves me naked
Someone who never asks for love
But knows how to take it
Are you that somebody
Who sees the wall and breaks it
Are you ready to fight just to see what's lost behind my flaws
Can you love me naked

Maranda aggressively chopped up pieces of pineapple while she watched her boyfriend eat the breakfast she'd made for him. She didn't know why but she was just irritated and his presence wasn't helping. After two early morning arguments about nothing she resolved that this morning wasn't a good one for them.

They weren't always like this.

She wasn't always this bitchy in the morning but after recent events she'd personally and emotionally been thrown for a loop. She felt different , she'd developed new walls and Jordan still set in the rhythm of how and what they were hadn't adjusted.

Had he even noticed?

Nonetheless as she scrapped the pineapple into a bowl of yogurt she ventured out onto the veranda. Whenever they bickered in the morning she made herself scar because she knew that watching him walk out and into his world would upset her. Especially when he knew hers had crumpled a month prior and hadn't tried to help her salvage the ruins of it.

They weren't always like this.

Jordan was once everything she wanted , he still was , she knew that deep down but there was so much hurt she had buried. It started in their freshman year when after he got drafted , they drifted. She was focused on work and he had to prove himself in the league , they broke up but that wasn't what broke her. Seeing him with Chanel Iman a month later did. They didn't last long and when it was over he reached out to her , they rebuilt their friendship but she didn't rekindle a relationship because she knew he wasn't ready. Chantel Jeffries and Kendall Jenner showed her that she was right in her assumptions.

After watching him with Hollywood's finest he came back to her in 2017 and after four months of pleading she took him back , they'd been great ever since. Jordan was the person she knew and not the LA dude that had emerged following the draft. They were great , perfect even. She would go to as many games of his as she could and he would make her late night snacks when her accounting work would keep her up.

They had a balance but it teetered off after he got traded. She had to relocate, start anew and shortly after more tragedy struck. She had to take time from work which meant she was home alone most of the time and even when he was around she still felt like she was fighting a huge battle by herself. He closed himself off to her after the incident as well. They tried talking but it always ended in arguments and she was tired of fighting.

Spooning some more yogurt into her mouth she opened Instagram on her phone and blanched at her fiance's face.

Why was he at lunch with some girl?

She opened the image and zoomed in on her face as her heart dropped. She didn't know her , it was a new face, new problem. Something else to add to the list of things going downhill with them.

Maranda exhaled before she sent the post to him and turned off her phone. He had to know that she knew.

As she reentered her home and went upstairs she realized she didn't feel anything, no outrage or betrayal. She didn't have it in her to be upset, she had no definitive proof either way.

It didn't take her five minutes to fall asleep, snuggled up against her pillow she drifted off easily.

Jordan walked back into his home several hours later. The scent of rosemary and meat hit his nose immediately making his stomach growl. However, he had received her message and he knew the storm that was in wait for him.

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