When We Love| 1 | - OBJ

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Tell me anything, everything, whatever, I wanna hear
Its the sweet little nothings that's all I need to keep me here
If you want me like you say you want me
Then you'd do whatever, yeah
Love me like you say you love me
We'll be down forever

"Sim, come on babe it's time to go, I'm sure you look beautiful."

Odell pleaded with his girlfriend of 2 years. Pacing outside the white bathroom door he heaved a sigh before he looked at his reflection in the mirror adjacent to it. He'd spent time making arrangements for Sim to finally meet his family and he wanted to make sure that they saw her in the same light he did. However, he could tell by the rustlings in the bathroom that she was nervous.

"I'll be out in a minute!"

Her usually light and airy voice was a bit withdrawn and he felt the chill of her anxiety creep through his bones. He hoped she wasn't getting into her head.

Just as he was about to open his mouth the door unlocked and he felt at ease seeing her beautiful round face. Her hazelnut skin glowing brilliantly with the fenty beauty products she applied only making her features more pronounced. Her tiny frame was hugged in a satin ruched red dress with a tulip cut and she wore a ruby pendant to accentuate it. She matched him in his white dress shirt, black slacks and scarlet patterned tie.

"You look beautiful."

He managed to say softly as he took her hand in his and spun her around. Sim was used to this treatment but her clear heels dragged across the carpet, her legs felt like lead. She'd wanted to meet Odell's family but at the same time the prospect scared her. The unease was anchored at the bottom of her gut from the moment she woke up from their afternoon nap to him getting ready.

She'd managed to delay this for so long but there was no going back now and the hopeful look in his eyes only dug her further into her place.

A tight smile crossed her face as he released her and instead of facing the questioning look on his face borne from her lack of excitement, she walked over to her bed and began to pack things into her purse. Lipstick, mascara, wallet, aspirin.

"Simran, look at me."

His breath on her neck startled her, he'd moved without her notice making it even clearer to her that her head was not in the game at the moment.

She turned slowly towards him and he placed his hands on both sides of her face before he kissed her forehead tenderly and exhaled as if he could remove her worry, pull it into his own body.

"Don't be so tense baby girl, I'm right with you and they'll love you just like I do. I don't shut up about you."

His smile warmed her up a bit inside and as she stared up at him she found piece in those brown eyes that had captured her heart from first glance.


She looked up through her eyelashes at him hopefully causing a chuckle to escape his mouth. His dimples popped out and she felt herself loosen up even more.

"I promise Sim."


The Beckham's home was huge but in the modest way, it was an elaborate beige two story that took up a cul-de-sac. The lawn was lushly green and well-manicures, rose bushes in a variety of colors, hedges trimmed and a strong sense of security provided by the large iron gate that closed after Odell's car rolled in.

"You grew up here?"

Simran queried in shock, she'd never seen where Odell grew up as a matter of fact this was her first time ever being in Louisiana. She'd exhausted Odell the day prior with her quest to see everything there was to see in the state and like the proud NOLA boy he was he spared no expense in making her experience amazing.

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