Imagine | Jimmy Butler

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Love how my face fits so good in your neck
Why can't you imagine a world like that?
Imagine a world

"You know you're about to lose right Britt?"

Jimmy's smile spread across his face as they stood opposite one another. Dribbling the ball he easily crossed her , taking the shot and ending their dubious game of one on one. He beat her every time.

"Why do you even do this to yourself? You like punishment, don't you?"

Shaking her head , Brittney laughed as she watched the joy that spread through him after a victory. She'd seen it through his basketball , college and now NBA career. It was her favorite thing to see.

"One day Butler , one day you won't be the one chatting shit to me."

"Sounds like a dream baby Britt." Placing the ball under his arm , he held out a hand before he wrapped his free arm around her shoulder.

"I'm not a sore winner so how about I get us some milkshakes , that should soften the sting of your loss."

Feigning gratitude, Brittney beamed up at him.

"Always so humble , what in the world would I do without you?"

"Die alone and wither away , but no worries I'm always here."

He was so dramatic back then , staring at her reflection in the crystal embroidered mirror Brittney scowled at her reflection. Dressed in hot pink finery , she smoothed her hand over the expensive silk that made her dress before she looked back at Tamika in her stunning white princess wedding dress. The bodice hugging her waist , did he hug her waist just as tightly?

Shaking the thought from her mind , she got up and put on the façade of exuberance. She should've been the one in that dress.

Maybe jimmy was right , she did like punishment.

He'd met Tamika that fateful evening when they'd went for milkshakes , just mere minutes before she was going to tell him how she felt , how she always would feel. After seeing the way, they looked at each other Brittney knew it was useless.

What she didn't expect was that four years later she'd be standing as maid of honor in their wedding.

"Are you good Bri? Y'know if you're still broken up about Craig I uninvited him. You won't see him here."

Tamika was sweet. Craig was a distraction and a horrible one at that. Jimmy was the reason they'd broken up , Craig was all in and she was barely there. She couldn't do that to him , when her friends asked she'd just told them they fell out of love but she'd never loved him. She knew that with every bone in her body.

Placing her hand on Tamika's , Brittney gave a coy smile before she shrugged.

"I guess I just can't believe this is actually happening."

"I know" Tamika sighed "I knew I wanted this for Jimmy and I but we've been through so much. For a period it always felt like there was someone else you know but I'm sure he loves me. Actually.."

Tamika moved closer to Brittney and gave her a grateful smile.

"You made me realize just how much he loved me. Thank you for that , honestly you're more than just Jimmy's best friend , you're mine too. That's rare, the loyalty you show is rare in general. You're a great person Britt."

The words scratched against her skin like sand paper. If only Tamika knew. Putting back on her best semblance of a smile , Brittney hugged Tamika just as she saw Ben and Joel begin to walk out.

"We probably should get you back inside , Jimmy's about to walk out and you know what they say. If he sees you , that's bad luck."

"You're right!"

Hurrying away , Tamia shot Brittney one more kind look before she went back into the dressing room leaving Brittney to breathe. She had to deny herself.

A chuckle took her out of her thoughts as Ben Simmons walked closer to her.

"You know what they say ..."

Before he could continue , she raised her hand silencing him.

"I'm not sleeping with you Ben."

The Australian pouted before he poked her side.

"I'd argue but I think we both know the real reason you won't . It's not personal so I'll do you a favor, the offers open whenever you get comfortable with your reality."

Walking away , she glared daggers into Ben's back. She'd focused so hard on his cocky face that she didn't even realize Jimmy was shaking his head at them.

"That's still trying to get off the ground I see?"

Rolling her eyes , when she turned to him she was caught off guard by how handsome he looked. Her breath almost caught in her throat but she quickly shook herself.

"It crashed a long time ago. He's embarrassing himself."

"Yup well , that sounds like Ben." Jimmy winked before he saddled up to Brittney's side and nudged her like he always did since childhood "He's not that bad. Besides if he's still interested after this long , maybe he's serious."

"Why would you say that?"

"Nobody hangs on for years unless they really like or are in love with someone."

Her throat went dry as his eyes turned towards the dressing room door. His eyebrows furrowed and he hung his head.

"Am I making a mistake Britt?"

Snapping her head in his direction , the words took her off balance.

"Why would you ask that? You love Tamika don't you?"

"I do , I just ... I really want this to be my only marriage you know. I think Tamika is the one but how do I know for sure."

The universe couldn't have been crueler to her.

"Can you imagine your life without her? Can you imagine not seeing her smile every single day? Does it bring you pain to even think of that? Most importantly Jimmy , would you do anything to make sure she was happy even if it meant you'd be miserable?"

Raptured by the intensity of the questions , he didn't see the longing look in her eyes or hear the strain in her voice. As his eyes lit up , her heart sunk. Turning away from him , she gathered herself , wiping away a tear that had fell down her cheek.

Reaching out his arms , he hugged her closely alarmed by her sadness.

"Look I'm sorry , I know you just broke up with Craig after three years but you know there's hope for you two. Thank you for your speech , you always knew the right shit to say. Tamika's definitely it for me."

Beside herself she reveled in the affection of his hug that was all too quickly over. She burned the way her head was nuzzled comfortably in his neck into her memory, the security of his embrace. She knew it was the only affection she'd ever get. As the ceremony started, she accepted her fate. When she watched them kiss as they were declared Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Butler, she knew there was nothing left for her to do. Faking happiness was easy , she'd managed it through the ceremony and a toast at the reception.

It wasn't until she got home after pretending for so long that she broke down.

"Always the best friend never the girlfriend. Always the maid of honor , never the bride."

Could he not even imagine them?

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