Love Language| Aaron Donald

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Never wanna get lost in translation
Never wanna be on two separate pages
Swear to me that you'll state facts
If you can take back
I know I can take that
I been working at it, hoping that you'd notice
I been waiting, I just needed you to focus
Swear to me that you'll show me
Need you to coach me
Then we can proceed


Keshante whined as her football star of a boyfriend dragged her to the car and helped her in before closing her door. The party was still going on but he felt she'd had too many. She probably did but hell she still wanted to twerk her ass off. Crossing her arms indignantly , she huffed when he got into the driver's side and glanced at her from the side of his eye.

"Nah , you had your fun now we're going home."

"What's your problem Aaron?"

"I don't have one."

His words flowed easily , authoritatively. It was a tone she'd heard too frequently these days. Looking at him sideways while he drove, Hazel began to wonder how badly she'd be injured if she tucked and rolled. These past two months Aaron had been slightly different, more romantic, more protective and he definitely was more selfish when it came to sharing her. This wasn't the first time he'd pulled her from a party early and she wanted to know what his problem was immediately.

Begrudgingly ,she waited until they arrived at his home to address it, however she chose the time when he was shirtless and getting into bed. Sitting up she couldn't help but to stare at him. Good lawd he was perfect.

"What's going on Aaron?"

She asked bluntly and he looked at her, amused and questioning at the same time. Her hair was a kinky curly mess all over her head. Her lips pouted, she truly was upset with him.

"You're being more romantic, protective and this isn't the first time you pulled me from a party while I was having a good time twerking and drinking to my heart's content or that you've kept me all to yourself while we were there."

He turned away from her and sighed.

"What are you talking about Shante? I just want to spend more time with you , that's all."

The way his voice sounded made it clear to her that this was the truth but she also could tell from his eyes that there was something more. The last time he'd done this, he wanted her to meet his family and after she survived that it was pretty cool. Then he wanted her to help him move to his own home in Los Angeles and after that it was even better but now what did he truly want?

Crawling over to him, she straddled his lap and his hands immediately went to her waist.

"Tell me what's going on babe. What do you want from me because I'm no good at reading your mind?"

"I want you to move in with me."

Her heart stopped and she just stared at him blankly. What the? They'd been together for five years and all but damn was she ready to move in with him? There was no way she was doing this without a ring. No, she couldn't. Her mom moved in with her dad, had two kids for him and they never took that plunge. Besides as much as she loved Aaron, what would happen if things went sour?

She was beginning to see the main thread in all his actions. He liked having her close , he liked touch, affection ,attention. Realizing that had made his actions so much easier to decipher.

"Aaron.." She sighed and he already flung himself back on the bed in disappointment.

"What Shante? Look I want you here with me, I want this to be our home , our bed, shit."

She could see the sting of rejection all over him. Rubbing her hands up and down his exposed chest she looked at him tenderly.

"I can't move in with you because I'd just be your girlfriend. I'm not making that big move until I'm sure that you really, really want me in your future forever Aaron. I need a ring first and that's not me pressuring you to go get it now, take your time but until then I can't live here with you. Besides what if we don't make it."

He nodded in understanding until he heard the last part then he pulled her down into his side. He kissed her lips gently and caressed her face.

"We'll make it and I will marry you Keshante. I'll give you everything you deserve, the big house, a few kids but one definitely has to be named after me."

She laughed at him as she snuggled closer. More than anything , she was happy he understood. As much as she wished she could wake up and fall asleep to his face she knew she had to stand her ground on this. Her best friend Trinity who she shared an apartment with when they came out here had moved in with her boyfriend Trevor last year and they broke up three months later. She moved back in with Keshante, heartbroken until they got back together the following month. She then went back to him. Even though Keshante knew that Trinity realized they weren't ready for that, she also knew she really wanted to keep an eye on Trevor with other women. That wasn't healthy.

"You'll say yes right?"

Aaron looked at her sideways and she pushed him.

"Of course."

"I gotta ask baby! Because if I plan this big elaborate proposal with a bunch of people and you turn my ass down, ain't no coming back from that shit."

She chuckled at the devastated expression he made, she couldn't imagine ever saying no to him. Even when he'd asked me to move in she technically hadn't said no, she'd just said she couldn't which wasn't a rejection, it was more a way of introducing how he could get a yes.

"I love you too much for that Aaron. I'd never say no to you on something like that."

"Good because it would kill me if you did. When John asked Alicia and she said she didn't know it ripped him up for a while."

Gaping at the mention of their mutual friends , Keshante sat up. John was Aaron's teammate but Alicia was the only WAG Keshante got along with. She had no idea that had happened.

"He asked her?"

"Yeah she never told you? She probably didn't want that to come out for John's sake but yeah , they went to this nice private dinner last year and he asked her, she told him she wasn't sure they were ready."

"Leave it to Alcia to think practically when it comes to romance. She's thinking of all that crap they went through with groupies probably, but they survived that and everyone knows John is head over sneakers for her, why can't she get that?"

"Why can't you get that I feel that same way for you too?"

Aaron's insistence shook her for some reason. She knew that, didn't she?

"I get that which is why I am making sure nothing ruins us. I want everything you want for us Aaron, but I want to do it right. We're growing and changing and I'm just glad I still look at you and feel the same way I did five years ago. I'm glad you were there for me through all my shit and I hope you know I'll always be there for you too."

He looked pleased by what she said before his phone buzzed and he reached for it. He read a text and then frowned, looking back up at her with a conflicted expression.

"John's coming over , something about Alicia kicking him out..."

He stated and reluctantly Keshante moved off of him and laid back.

"I'll talk to her then, It's probably good that he's interrupting. If I'd slept with you tonight I may have never left this bed."

He kissed his teeth and shuffled out of bed.

"Fucking John man, he's lucky he's like a brother to me."


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