Shot Down |2 - Jalen Hurts

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Oh I've been knocked down by you
You got my heart now
Why won't you stop now?

I've been through it whole
I've been through the worst
But I never knew how much our love could hurt

"Aja Stewart!"

Walking up to her lecturer , Aja collected her calculus final not even daring to look at the score before she tossed it in her bag. This was the sole class she had with Jalen so she wanted nothing more than to leave as soon as possible.

It was rough going through the whole semester as a sort of pariah. They're break up was wide spread but his treatment of her prior to had made her look like an idiot. It was no secret that most of the girls on campus thought she was a fool, half of them actually getting the guts to say it to her after Jalen had been in theirs.

She was ready to move past it , after pining away in her room for the remainder of the semester she'd come to the consensus that she still loved Jalen but she deserved way better just like his last message said. So she'd gone after it , she was eligible for early graduation after completing one course during the summer so she planned to do that and cut herself loose. It was time to move on after all.

"Aja! Aja , damn you walk fast!"

Turning at the voice she caught Jackie running up to her. If Aja were her she wouldn't have exerted the energy especially in those heels but Jackie wore all shoes flawlessly and with full capabilities.

"What's up Jack?"

Jackie shifted her weight to her left foot before pursing her lips.

"What's up Jack?" she mocked "Where the fuck have you been Aja? You never answer when I go to your room even when you're in there and you just went ghost in general."

"Jack you know I've been busy busting my ass. I'm trying to get out of here, I didn't mean to freeze you out I just really needed space."

"Okay I get that. However take it from Jalen , not me. Tua says he's actually been pretty shit since everything happened."

Aja snorted before she began to walk, Jackie following in step with her.

"Yeah because his new range rover and crowd of bitches make him seem really heartbroken."

She was bitter , she knew it but really it was still very fresh. Looking at her Jackie couldn't believe how much Aja had changed in a few months. She was slimmer but also prettier. She didn't know that heartbreak could bring out a new and improved you externally. Internally she could feel the emptiness radiating from her friend.

"It's called putting on a brave face Aj. You've been doing the same thing in your own way."

"Nah, I've been surviving."

"Okay if you want to call it that. Aja you still have another year here. You've got to resolve this at some point."

Aja stopped and looked at Jackie before shaking her head.

"Actually I'm doing a summer and graduating early. I was going to tell you. I can't be here anymore."

Stepping back Jackie took a moment to comprehend what was being said to her.

"Wait , all this because of Jalen?"

"No , not entirely Jack. You're hearing what everyone is saying I'm sure."

Sure, she'd heard the gossip and chit chat but girls did that all the time. She'd been on the receiving end too. It was natural when you dated an athlete.

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