When I Was Your Man- Kevin Durant/ Jimmy Butler

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Mm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party 'cause all you wanted to do was dance

"Is this how you do it?"

Jimmy laughed at himself as he tried to mimic the movements of his wife while salsa music played in the background. The NBA Awards after parties always meant her displaying the one thing, he wasn't good at, but he didn't mind because of the smile it brought to her face.

Joy Butler had walked into his life three years prior broken after a failed four-year relationship and he worked hard to bring back her light. So, when he'd finally managed to get to her heart , he didn't take it lightly. Matter of fact , he was the most protective husband ever which was why at events like this he kept her close.

Jimmy Butler and Kevin Durant's feud was more an off the court than an on the court matter and as eyes focused on The Butlers it was hard to ignore the lingering stare of the NBA Champion in the corner, Kevin Durant.

"Man, you still staring at Joy , it's been years besides you won an award tonight Mr. MVP!"

Steph Curry clapped the shoulder of his teammate while Kevin waved him off. Her smile was what fixated him. He remembered the first day he met her that it was precisely that which had captured him.

"I didn't order this , there must've been some kind of mistake."

Staring up at the waiter , Kevin handed him the mysterious red cocktail while the server's face began to resemble it.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Durant, I'll fix this right away. What was it that you ordered exactly?"

The words rapidly spilled from his mouth and Kevin sighed before he began to recite his order.

"I ordered a blue Bombay on the rocks with an extra squeeze of Lime."

Eagerly the Waiter began to recite the order to himself just as a dainty hand settled on his shoulder.

"I believe this is yours then." She smiled at him as she handed him the blue drink and a wide round class before picking up the Martini out of the waiter's hand.

"And this is mine. Just got your tables mixed up is all."

Immediately the waiter became calm , giving her a warm smile before he rushed off , relieved to have been saved in that moment. Kevin on the other hand was now intrigued by the stranger strutting away from him.

"You gonna just look or get up man?" Klay teased him while he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend Laura.

"Man, I don't know if I should."

"Do you want to?"

"Hell, Yeah I do."

Klay Thompson rolled his eyes at his teammate before grabbing his drink out of his hand and placing it on the table.

"Then go up and do it" he took a sip of the untouched drink before nodding "And get yourself another drink because this one is mine now."

Brushing off his teammate's comments, Kevin found himself attracted to the young woman swaying carelessly to Summer Walker's CPR as he approached.

She softly sang the lyrics to herself.

"I don't want to talk about it , no one understands me. You're the only one I confide into darling..."

"You have a beautiful voice and smile."

Caught off guard, the young woman blushed as she turned and looked up at the handsome face the robust voice belonged to.

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