Speechless| Cam Reddish

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You already know that you're my weakness
After all this time I'm just as nervous
Every time you walk into the room
I'm speechless
Yeah, baby

"Do you really love me?"

Cam pouted as he stared at Sara. The brown skinned beauty was examining herself in the mirror of her dorm room, raking her hands over her mermaid fit red gown she huffed before fussing with her straightened hair which hung to her waist.

"Why are you even asking that Cammy?"

The nickname was something that would irk him coming from anyone else but her. Flipping himself upside down on her bed he shrugged.

"I don't see you anymore with all this other stuff you're doing is all. I just want to check."

Cam was never like this, self-assurance and nonchalance were his usual motifs. Ambling over to him , Sara kissed his lips tenderly before she caressed his cheek.

"I love you Cameron Reddish, now can you unzip me already?"

The night had been nice enough , he'd escorted her to her awards ceremony. Aside from being a star Volleyball center , Sara was also in the top 10% of their year at Duke University and she'd garnered major recognition from the journalism department. Cam, always the proud boyfriend cheered her on the whole night, even if she'd been torn away from him for most of it.

"I didn't feel the love in that." He pursed his lips before shaking his head causing his hair to move with the defiant motion.

"Cameron!" Sara protested , a chuckle escaping from her lips before she began to attempt unzipping herself.

It took less than a minute for another pair of hands to assist her.

"I got you beautiful" Her man assured "You're not putting on anything else right?"

She knew the look in his eye and she enjoyed turning it down.

"Why yes I am , I have to get to study group in a bit."


As her dress hit the floor , Cam's arms encircled her waist pulling her to him as he pouted childishly.

"You just got here, I just got you." He whined , holding onto her tightly while she tried to break away with a grin on her face.

"I'll be back Cam I promise. I just have a really big test okay babe?"

Defeated , Cam Reddish put his hands up and sat back on his bed while he watched her wiggle into jeans and a sweater before she pecked his forehead and left.

He was the basketball star with a grueling game and practice schedule? Why was he always the one that was open for her? Why did it seem like his time was always enough and hers non existent?

Sara's studying proved to be another obstacle , he'd managed to see her on average 2 hours each day , not counting her crawling into his bed to sleep with him every night. He craved the intimacy they used to have. If things were like this now how would they turn out when he'd be drafted?

Defeated , he found his way into the gym and practiced his shooting until he was out of his feelings. He soon became so submerged in what he was doing that he didn't realize Sara walking up behind him , grinning from ear to ear.

"CAM! BABY I DID IT!" She exclaimed breaking him out of his trance as he turned to look at her. The basketball he'd thrown bounced off the rim before it hit him in the back of his head.

Immediately she walked over to him and rubbed the spot of impact lovingly.

"Ouch , that look like it hurt."

"It'll be alright. What were you talking about?" Cam surveyed her features as she brought the paper in her hands to his face.

"I got an A on my exam , this means I don't have to do the final and I can go to that PR thing with you for the draft. I'll be at your side the whole time, like I promised."

Stunned Cam looked at her before a smile broke out on his face and he lifted her up and spun her around.

"Baby that's the best thing I've heard all week!"

"Yeah? Well that's good because you've seemed different. I've been meaning to ask you if everything is okay."

Pulling him over to the bleachers , Sara levelled with him. She stared into the dark brown eyes that had captured her heart months ago. She'd started out as Cam's tutor. He needed to pass Calculus and she passed it with flying colors. Under her tutelage he'd managed to get a B and she somehow ended up getting some D. They'd been an item ever since.

"What do you mean baby?"

"I mean you've been texting me nonstop, you've been more touchy and you always want to be together. I'm not complaining but you normally were the one asking for space."

Scratching his head at the evidence , Cam looked up at her before he kissed her forehead.

"I miss you Sara. You're always busy and that's why I've been this way. I just miss spending time with you but don't get me wrong , I'm super proud of everything you're doing."

She missed him too , what Cam needed to understand was that Sara was busting her ass to expedite her graduation. When Cam got drafted, he'd leave her at Duke and she felt like three years apart would just be too much, if she could bring it down to 2 , why not?

"I'm doing it for us Cam and I get what you're saying , I miss you too. Why do you think I've been coming to your room every night knowing I'll have to get up earlier to go to class?"

He thought on her words for a second before he snuggled her closer to him.

"I just miss being like this with you , this close without one of having to rush off."

"I'm sorry about that. How about this , I'll clear one day each week to smother you until you can't deal with me anymore. After class , I'll be all yours."

Kissing his nose lightly , Cam laughed at his girlfriend before he kissed her softly.

"I could never get tired of you."

"You sure about that?"


"What if I talk to you all about my day non-stop?"

"I'll be happy to listen , as long as you're talking." Cam kissed the side of her face to compliment his smooth reply.

"What if I eat off your plate everytime you're eating?"

"I'll make sure to put enough on the plate for both of us."

"What if I refuse to leave your bed?"

Taking her face in his hands , Cam kissed her lips passionately making her arms weave around his neck as she pulled him closer.

"I'll be in Heaven. I love you Sara."

"I love you too Cammy."

Dedicated to @saralikestowrite

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