Shot Down | Jalen Hurts

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Tell me the truth
Am I all that you would need?
If we're keeping it a hundred, you're all that I need for me
From the jump until forever from now, I would ride for you

But you got me shot down by love
You got my heart now
Why won't you stop now?

Aja sat under the lights of the club , cosmopolitan in hand as she swallowed her pride. With every event it only seemed to become more evident to her. Wiping her hands over her red satin club dress she exhaled before she took one more sip. Her eyes never left his motions but he could care less than to acknowledge her.

After three years , this is where they stood.

"I see you eyeing your man"

The light playful voice of her friend Jackie snapped her out of her trance. She smiled but inside she felt hollow, how long could she keep up the act , the delusion?

"Yeah well , you know. It's hard not to stare at Jalen..."

The words lingered off the edge of her glass as she took a drink while Jackie nodded at her response. Her blonde hair bouncing around her olive skin as her green eyes innocently surveyed the scenery. Jackie and Aja were the classic ebony and ivory pair of best friends that met in college and bonded over a horrendous midterm. They hadn't known each other long but they clicked like kindred spirits.

They didn't know back then that they would both end up WAGS with careers that took the back burner to their famous counterparts, intentionally on Jackie's part , unintentionally on Aja's.

"I know right Tua is taking all my attention , my professors are biting my head off but you and Jalen , you followed him here for University. That's another level."

"Yeah , I mean it happens.."

She didn't know what else to say , usually she would've played along. Said that Jalen was worth the sacrifice because their love was that golden but as she watched him she lost her taste for deception.

His strong stance , caramel skin and generous smile all directed towards another female made her resentment rise because it wasn't the first nor the last time she'd witnessed it. Once upon a time he was discreet but now it was clear.

Glancing at Jackie , Aja knew that her friend had picked up on her vibe but she knew that Jackie wouldn't ask. The simple glance that they exchanged explained more than she could every say.

Aja knew Jackie wasn't dumb though and she had to hear the rumors, everybody did after all. Everyone knew where her and Jalen stood except for her and her stupid heart.

In a moment of silence Jackie placed her hand on Aja's chocolate brown shoulder and squeezed before she got up and left. The show of solidarity gave her the push she needed to go. Splashing down the rest of the drink , Aja fussed a bit with her appearance before she walked over to Jalen who was now with some guys from his football team.

To think he'd brought her here to celebrate their win only to spend the whole night flirting with other girls or dicking around with his teammates, it was absurd. It was heartbreaking to an extent that she didn't expect.

"I'm heading home."

Her voice stood out against the roar of masculine conversation bringing all eyes on hers , Jalen's was the only fleeting as he glanced at her for a second and nodded before he carried on talking to his teammate that was at his side.

"You not gonna walk your girl?"

Tua spoke up as Aja began to turn away , she didn't stop to hear the answer but from the mixed reactions stemming from laughs to questions she knew it wouldn't have comforted her.

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