F*ck It All| Kevin Durant

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Got my heart on the edge of my sleeve
Don't want to break it
Any more than it already is
Pieces of me on the floor
But I got them all


She is a loving girlfriend.

Staring at her most recent purchase, Jessica King beams at the matte black bag it is enclosed in as she places it into her passenger seat and closes her driver's door. With the doors locked she heaves a sigh of relief before her smile resurfaces. For a second she glances up at her reflection in the mirror, smooth brown skin and slightly tired brown eyes stare back at her but her grin is as white as ever.

She spent six hours the previous night planning the perfect gift for her fiancé. After four years and many holidays and celebrations spent together it was almost impossible to find something that would be exciting, brand new. Especially for such a momentous occasion as their eleventh-year anniversary.

Turning on her radio, she allowed the sounds of Tank's Maybe I Deserve to wash over her and calm her nerves. She always loved old R&B, her music taste was watered down according to her fiancée who preferred to listen to old school Jazz, Hip Hop, Rap and ironically trap music.

"Maybe I deserve to who's calling so damn late.."

She sang a long as the Bay Area setting glowed in the background, she was getting back to their apartment later than expected but she knew that Kevin wouldn't mind. He hardly hassled her about much, his patience was one of the reasons they worked so well. Jessica was busy, she was a newly certified and licensed Doctor, on her way to specialty training in Cardiology. However, as a general practitioner she worked crazy shifts that would only allow her to see her man at times for less than six hours a day. To make matters worse when she was on call it always seemed to infringe on their most intimate moments.

Nonetheless she made sure that the moments they did have together were special especially as Kevin's NBA career often meant they were coming and going around the same times each day. Therefore, there busy schedules synced more than clashed and they were both supportive of each other. She'd make sure her lunch breaks were devoted to stopping in and bringing him something to eat or simply supporting him at practices, she went to as much games as possible and she always stayed up late for him whenever they won a game.

Likewise, Kevin not only covered her tuition for Medical School after her parent's support tapped out and hers was insufficient. He helped her study for her final exams and even made her a champion's breakfast the day she found out she had passed her Medical exams and had accomplished her dream.

They were soulmates.

Jess had met Kevin for the first time in her ninth-grade class at National Christian Academy. She'd walked into the cafeteria her first day, lost and uncertain of which table she should sit at or rather which would accept her. She didn't realize he was watching her as she followed the file placing veggies and a heaping of lasagna on her plate. However, he soon made his presence known and walked over to her. As he smiled at her that day, she felt something she'd never felt before. Her mother had dubbed it puppy love but since that day in the cafeteria they'd been inseparable.

Even during their separation when he transferred high schools they always found each other. They didn't pursue a romance until they both attended the University of Texas and figured their destiny was pretty much sealed.

Pulling into their driveway under the dark night, she grabbed the bag and decided to enter through the garage door rather than the front. She took her heels off once she was inside.


She called out to the darkness that surrounded her home. She'd gotten the evening and night off to be with him. She couldn't wait to lead him to the hotel suite she'd booked for them this weekend and the excitement began to bubble in her stomach as she soft-shoed up the steps. He was probably asleep, she thought.

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