The First Encounter : Chapter 1

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Your POV:

(Y/N) stumbled through the platform looking for platform 9 and 3/4. You looked around to see a pretty big group of people with a large amount of kids standing excitedly on the platform. You walk over to them and see that they all have bright orange hair and you smile. Weasleys. You tap the mom of the group on the shoulder and she turns to you smiling. "Oh hello dear! What may I help with?" She said straightening a small freckled boys tie as he groaned, clearly annoyed by her being neat. "Um...I'm looking for platform 9 and 3/4 and I've heard such splendid things about your family!" You said smiling. "Well its right through there, your welcome to come along dear." "Oh thank you Mrs. Weasley!" You say cheerfully skipping to a small girl, clearly younger than you, and you smile. "Hello! Who are you?" You say enthusiastically. "Ginny...Ginny Weasley" she said glancing at you smiling. "Well nice to meet you!" You say smiling from ear to ear. I think I've made a friend! She's quite nice! You think smiling to yourself. You walk through the brick wall and come to the other side the whole family on the other side. The mom smiled and turned to you. "Darling let me introduce you! This man beside me is Mr. Weasley but you can call him Arthur, I'm Molly. That is Ron" she said pointing to the small boy who was groaning before. "Ginny...who you've already met. Lastly those are my twin boys....Fred and George!" She said sighing like she had done this a million times. You gazed over at the twins who you hadn't seen before. You were younger than the twins. You were the same age as Ron and older than Ginny. You smile and they look you up and down and smirk.

George's POV:
Wow. (Y/N) is very beautiful. Wait what am I saying? We have just met! I'm not saying I like her...just saying I like her (H/C) hair and her sparkling (E/C) eyes. She is going to ride the train with us. Maybe I can ask her to sit with us? What's the use? She's to smart to sit with us...probably Hermione she's going to sit with. I need to stop thinking about it.

Your POV:
You don't really know anyone besides the Weasleys so you decide to sit with them. The twins seem cool so you decide to sit with them on the train, besides you seem to like them a lot.

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