Ivan : Chapter 19

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He walked over to you and stood in front of Harry. "H'Ello." He said in a thick Bulgarian accent. You smiled and turned away. "Hi." Harry said half-smiling. "May I sit next to her?" He said politely the only one standing. Harry nodded quickly and scooted over and he sat down beside you. You sipped you pumpkin juice quietly as he stared at you for a minute. "I'm sorry, where are my manners. My name is Ivan Nikola." He said smiling. He took your hand and kissed the top of it gently. "Very pleased to meet you" He said setting your hand down gently. (Hahahahha you were fooled! You thought you and Harry!!! Heheheheh) You smile and look over at him. "My names (Y/N)." You said slightly blushing. "Only your first name? I see I have to earn your trust?" He said scoffing. You smiled sweetly. "I don't trust just anyone. K? If you like me, show it. Walk me everywhere, ASK if you can kiss my hand, and finally don't wink at me. You can wink at me once we are AT LEAST on a friend basis." You said. He stared at you blinking. "Hard to get eh?" He said sneering. You pat his back. "Why don't you go play with your Durmstrang friends? I'm sure you'd rather be with Krum." You said faking a smile. He shrugged and walked over to the Slytherin table and you rolled your eyes. "Wow." Harry said speechless. "Consider yourself lucky" you said chuckling. Harry nodded and you rested your head on his shoulder gently before Dumbledore announced the meal and you dug in.

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