The Yule Ball : Chapter 24 (cont.)

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Your POV:

You falsely smiled at Draco and looked over to the twins who were in a heated argument. You smirked evilly and waltzed with Draco over to Fred. "Good afternoon sir" you said giggling while you curtsied. Fred looked away from his argument and smiled at you bowing "Good afternoon madam" he said. George cleared his throat. Fred suddenly realized Malfoy was there. "Why's the Malfoy near us." Fred said narrowing his eyes at Draco. "He's my date for tonight" you said falsely smiling at Draco again. Draco smiled at you though you could see the slightest discomfort in his eyes. You looked over to Fred and mouthed "I'll explain later" making sure George couldn't see. Fred nodded and hugged you the two of your completely ignoring George. George's eyes flamed red at Draco. George pushed past Draco and Fred and went towards the stage. He climbed up onto the stage. "Good afternoon wizards and witches." George said into the mic. "So recently I've made the biggest mistake any guy could make. I made my best friend angry and I know I need to make it up to her" he said locking eyes with you. "(Y/N) I love you. I don't know if I could possibly complete without you. Please forgive me and if you can't I understand" he said giving you the strongest most pitiful "I'm sorry" look you'd ever witnessed. All eyes turned to you. "George I know you made a mistake but I love you too, I forgive you" You said smiling as George ran down and hugged you as tight as he could. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him back as he twirled you around. Draco stood awkwardly. You gasped. Everyone turned to you again. "Draco? Why! Why! Why did you have to dump me on this date to the Yule Ball? Is it because of my best friend George? It is isn't it? Oh my gosh just go! Go! I know we can be friends again someday! Goodbye Draco!" You said dramatically falling into George's arms and winked to Draco very sneakily. He nodded and smirked at you leaving to talk to Blaise. You laughed as everyone returned to their events. "Ohmigosh (y/n) you don't understand how much I've missed your hugs" George said smiling down at you. "I missed you more though" you said walking towards the dance floor. "No way!" George said running after you. You danced the night away with George and everything was good again. Everything was right. (Okay this is the ending of this book! So I'm probably going to do a continuation of like the future for the two of you so keep an eye out for that but I probably will start another x reader soon so keep your eyes peeled. Until next time! Lots of love)

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