Potions : Chapter 8

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You walk to potions the next day and see Fred walking in with George. "Fred! George!" You shout to them. George flicks a small smile that turns into a frown and walks in and Fred gives you his dashing wink and chuckles walking into class. You smile and sit in your table alone and look around seeing Crabbe is not here and that George is angrily fidgeting with a strand of hair that's upturned. You chuckle at his king orange hair and draw your wand flicking it down and the piece folds down quickly. He shyly looks over at you and blushes a faint pink. "Miss (Y/L/N)!" Snape shouts annoyed. "Are you done toying with Mr.Weasleys hair or would you like to come demonstrate?!" He angrily turns a little red. You blush a pale pink and walk up quickly. "Love potions...Miss (Y/L/N)? Please smell the potion and tell us what you smell" Snape says to the class. You nod and lean over inhaling the familiar scent. "Firework powder, A dash of strong cologne, and a faint hint of flour." You say standing up blushing as soon as you close your mouth. You knew that scent anywhere. George Weasley. "Miss (Y/L/N), who were you smelling?" Snape says eyeing you. "Mr.Weasley I believe." Snape nods and you sit down George glancing over at you. The rest of class goes by in a flurry. You stand up as ever starts leaving and Fred swoops over looping an arm around your shoulders. He smirks at you and then tilts his head towards George and raises his eyebrows. You shake your head sadly. He lifts your chin up and boops your nose. "George is a daft idiot (Y/N)" he whispers catching up with George his arm still looped around you. George sees his arm around you and angrily narrows his eyes at the tiles on the floor. "George! Are you jealous of my new girlfriend?!" Fred shouts quickly. George angrily whips around to see you shoving him off you. You walk ahead beside George. You look ahead and stop dead in your tracks. "George. It's him." Draco saunters down the hallway shoving kids and calling them "mud-bloods". He sees you and goes over to you looping an arm around your waist. "Hey Gorgeous!" Draco says slyly. "Draco. Get off" George says. Draco looks him up and down unimpressed and walks off leaving you and George. George pulls you closer to him protectively and grabs your hand quickly guiding you down the hallway quickly. You smile up at him and he looks down at you happily.

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