Draco and Hermione : Chapter 6

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Your POV:
You awake in your room and smile. "Today is the day I talk to Draco!" You say leaping up and changing into your robes and run down the corridor into the dining hall. You slide into a seat beside Hermione. "Hey Mione" you say calling her by your nickname for her. "Hello." Hermione says coldly. "Um? Did I do something wrong?" You say confused. "Actually the complete opposite!" She says angrily gathering her plate and leaves in a rage and you sit there flustered and annoyed. You shake it off and gobble your breakfast down and you walk over to the Slytherin table, where you knew Draco was because Fred had told you. You slide into a seat beside Draco. He turns to you and raises and eyebrow smiling. "Hey!" You say happily. "Hello" he says smirking. A few of his goons giggle and Draco shoots them a look shutting them up. "I'm Malfoy" he says holding out a hand. "Draco Malfoy" I say shaking it. "Oh? You know me?" He says slyly. "Just some people whispering around happened to catch me in it" you say smiling at him. He smiled at you and his goons snicker. "Draco has a new girlfriend it seems!" Crabbe says giggling. "And a gryffindor too!" Says Goyle as they both start laughing madly. Draco blushed a faint pink easy to see against his pale white face. You smile rolling your eyes and you get up hugging Draco quickly and run back to the gryffindor table. You quickly finish and head to your classes.

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