Fights and Jealousy : Chapter 16

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Your POV:

It had been a week after Collin was out of his coma. You were estatic and spent almost every second with him. Something was off with George after Collin was back. You hinted jealously and anger. You decided to talk to him. You walked down the corridor after a fun meal in the Great Hall with Collin. You opened the door to the empty common room. Your classes had ended early that day, George was really off that day so you left early from the Great Hall to see if you could find George. "Georgieeee?" You yelled through the empty common room. He walked down the stairs silently watching his feet. "George! I've missed you sooo much I haven't seen you all da-" you said getting cut off by George raising his hand to stop you. "George?" You said confused. "(Y/N)'ve been've been spending time with Collin a whole lot more then me. Are your feelings fading for me? Do you love Collin instead?" George asked worried and angry. "Georgie no, I don't love Collin like that...he's my friend, my best friend." You said defensively. "And what am I? Chopped liver?" He said angrily. "No. You're my boyfriend I loved from day one." You said slightly annoyed. "If you loved me then why do you go to him and why did you spend all that time with Collin in the infirmary?" He said annoyed and then immediately regretting what he said. "Because he's my best friend!!! Friends don't leave each other! Do you know how hard it was for me to leave him or to try to balance other things?! No you don't so get off my back!!" You yelled back. "DONT YELL AT ME!" He yelled in return. Tears dripped down your cheeks. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU! WHY?! ARE YOU JEALOUS? IF YOU WANTED MORE TIME WITH ME THEN ASK!" You screamed back sobbing. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I LIKED YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He screamed running up to his room. You cried into your hands and ran out of the common room and out into the fall weather the icy wind beating against your face. You clamped your eyes shut not caring where you ran just wanting to go away. You ran hard tears streaming down your cheeks and you ran into something and not caring what it was, you held tight onto it and cried more. You sobbed into whatever you were clamped onto. You felt a breathing chest under your sobbing face and didn't care who or what it was and just kept crying and the person lied its hands softly around your waist and held you as you cried.

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