Chosen : Chapter 21

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Your POV:

You skipped down the hall for dinner and sat beside Harry happily. He looked over at you and smiled. "Good afternoon!" You said happily pecking his cheek. He blushed. "Good afternoon as well" he said taking your hand in his. Hermione, Ron and a few other Gryffindors "awed". You blushed and Dumbledore stood silencing the crowd. "Now we shall pick from the Goblet of Fire." He said coming from his seat. He unveiled a cloth from over the Goblet of Fire and it lit a blue. Everyone stared at the Goblet as it's flames turned blood red and shot a name from the Goblet. "From Durmstrang Vicktor Krum." He said as everyone cheered including a small round of clapping from Hermione. It blazed red again and shot a name as Vicktor went into the room behind the Great Hall. Dumbledore grabbed it and read "From Hogwarts Cedric Diggory." He read and all the tables cheered except (Y/N) as she nervously watched him go into the back room. The last paper shot out. "And lastly from Beauxbatons Fleur Delacour." She got up and walked gracefully as only polite clapping could be heard from Beauxbatons since nobody knew her that well. Dumbledore started to say something when another name shot out. Everyone gasped and you suddenly got a lump in your throat. Dumbledore grabbed it and searched around the room squinting. "Harry Potter." Dumbledore said slowly. Harry just sat there awkwardly and you let go of his hand and got up running out of the Great Hall quickly. Hermione, Ginny, and Luna followed. The night you sat on your bed just sad. No tears. You were tired of crying. Just broken. You stared at your bed angrily. You closed your eyes. Hermione, Ginny, and Luna walked in and Hermione went to you first. She hugged you tightly as you just laid in her arms. You heard commotion downstairs and was glad only you and the other two shared a dorm. (Because Luna's a Ravenclaw). You sighed. Nobody knew what to say. Luna spoke up first. "I have to go. The others might start looking for me..." she said as she got up and wandered off. You didn't know what to do. "Alright well I have to get ready for bed. I'm really sorry (Y/N), I'm always a bed away if you need me." She said and got up. You nodded. She went to the bathroom. "I'm really sorry (Y/N) he didn't mean to get chosen we all know that. I hope you do, you should've seen the look on his face. He felt guilty even though he couldn't help it." She said rubbing your back. You nodded and got up. You went downstairs and to the boys dorm. You walked into Harry's dorm and saw Harry sitting on his bed. He looked at you and you just ran to him leaping into his arms. "I'm really sorry (Y/N)" Harry said stroking your hair. "It's not your fault" you said pecking his cheek. "Get some rest the tasks start tomorrow" You said as you got up. He got up to and hugged you again. You rested your head on his shoulder. "Please be careful." You whispered to him. He nodded and you broke from his embrace sighing. The other boys stared at you. "If any of you even mention this to a teacher I'll hex you till you can't even remember what you looked like in the first place." You sneered walking out. Harry chuckled and got back in bed as the other boys stared shakily at each other.

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