The Yule Ball : Chapter 24

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Authors Note: So you see I watched all the Harry Potter movies a while ago, so I can't exactly remember at what time in the movie the Yule Ball occurred. And you must be thinking "Well you've pretty much not gone by the book so why are caring about this event?". *inhale* I LOVE THE YULE BALL. (Sorry for my dorkiness) Okay you probably want to read now what is going to happen so byeeee. Lots of love!

Your POV:
You stood in a Hogsmeade formal dress shop trying to take in the overwhelming sight. There were so.many.dresses. "Okay I know how to do this" you stated to yourself as Ginny shoved through the racks in thought. You went you your size and started trucking through the dresses. (So this is my dream Yule Ball dress, you can totally change it if you would like)
You searched for three hours and about gave up when a long silk green dress caught your eye. You stared at it in awe.
(The picture wouldn't upload to here's a description)
The neckline was around the neck and had no sleeves. The top was fitting and had pearls and crystals beaded into the top. Then a skirt fluffed out at the bottom and was a silky material. The skirt goes down to the floor.

(That's what it looks like)
You smiled and plucked it off the rack quickly running to the counter to buy it. Ginny stared at you from her chair she had been waiting in. Ginny looked down at your dress and her eyes widened quickly. "That's the one?" Ginny said eyeing it. You nodded in response. "It's gorgeous!" She said happily. "Thank you Ginny" you said smiling. "So why won't you tell me or the gang who you're going with?" Ginny said with a frown. You froze. "It's a surprise..." You said quickly. "Okay weirdo" Ginny said rolling her eyes. You grabbed the dress in it's black cover and walked to Ginny. "So what's your dress look like?" You said smiling. "Ginny unzipped her dresses cover and revealed a mint and pink short dress that was beautiful. "Wow Ginny it's gorgeous!" You said smiling. (So I'm not very sure if they go to school on the day of the Yule Ball I think they do but I decided for them to have the day to get ready then that night would be the ball.) Ginny stood up and you walked with her back to Hogwarts.

You and Ginny quickly entered the common room and raced to your shared room. You slammed the door shut behind her. "Alright we have four hours to do hair, nails, shoes, and makeup." You said looking at the time. "Go! Go! Go!" You yelled and ran to the bathroom. You thought for a moment and pulled out your wand. You used a hair charm and your hair twisted into a beautiful elegant bun with curly strands hanging in a few places. You nodded and ran over to Ginny doing a weird feather hair do and shook your head madly. You tried again and again finally settling on a simple down do with two fancy braids on the sides. You looked at the clock. 3 hours. You started painting your nails a emerald green to match the dress and you used a hot air charm to quickly dry them. You then looked into your closet. Accessories. You looked over to Ginny who had started picking out necklaces and earrings. You brought down a dusty box and  rummaged through it until you found a beautiful simple silver chain that swirled that had a small emerald at the front. You latched it on and rummaged through your closet on and on for a pair of shoes. You decided on a pair of silver strappy heels. You looked at the clock. 1 hour. You rushed to the bathroom and used the charm to make your eyeshadow silver, your lipstick a light pink, and your eyeliner (get ready to cringe) on fleek. (Yup there it is.) You then struggled to put your dress on and then finally put on the heels. You stood up twirling for Ginny. "Ohmigosh (y/n) you look beautiful!!" Ginny squealed. You stared at her in her dress and your mouth dropped. "You too!!" You hugged one another. "Shall we?" You asked gesturing to the door. Ginny nodded chuckling and you walked out to the common room and Harry and Ron looked up in their dress robes. You and Ginny carried on talking as you went down the stairs and realized they were staring at the two of you. You blinked. "What?" Ginny said squinting at her brother. "Oh you actually look nice for once Ginny." Ron said squinting back. Ginny walked over and smacked him upside the head. "Ow!" Ron exclaimed. Harry smiled. "You both look amazing!" Harry said nodding. "Thank you Harry" you said smiling. "May I escort you to the ballroom Ms.(y/l/n)?" Harry said bowing. You nodded chuckling and looped your arm through his as you walked to the ballroom. You got to the room that held the Ball and Harry escorted you up the stairs to the tall staircase where people entered and Ron escorted Ginny quietly as Ginny smiled brightly. You got to the top and ushered the boys to go first. They walked down not caring and waited at the bottom for you and Ginny. You and Ginny nodded walking out together and walking down the stairs elegantly. All the eyes in the room turned to you and Ginny. Neville rushed over and waited at the bottom for his date. Ginny smiled and walked to Neville and Neville led her to the dance floor. You smiled brightly and waited at the bottom with Harry and Ron. "Well we should be going to get our dates, wanna co-" Harry said getting cut off. "Wow (y/l/n" a certain cold voice said. "You sure do clean up nice" the voice said. You turned to see Draco. You smiled. Harry clenched his jaw and Ron's mouth fell open. Draco snaked an arm around your waist. "We should go get some refreshments." He said smirking. You smiled at him and mouthed to Ron and Harry, "I'll explain later".
To be continued....(cus this chapter is already long enough)

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