The schools : Chapter 18

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Your POV:

You walked into the Great Hall cracking up and having a great time with Harry. "So Harry? Are you excited for the tournament?" You said still giggling. "Yeah, I guess? It seems a little silly to be fighting for your life for glory?" He said shrugging his shoulders. "Why don't you come sit with me and Hermione?" He said smiling at you. You nodded and sat beside Harry across from Hermione. You looked over at Harry while sipping from your goblet, he had stuck two carrots up his nose. You snorted and choked on your pumpkin juice and coughed while laughing hysterically. "Bwagahahahh!" You yelled while coughing and many students turned to see you choking and laughing and they started to giggle. Soon the whole Great Hall was filled with laughter. Except George. You didn't mind him though. You were determined he wasn't going to ruin your mood. You had taken a walk with Harry and had a fabulous time with him. He was your best friend. Soon the professors were laughing and chuckling then Dumbledore smiled and lifted his hand to quiet the crowd. They all slowly settled down. "So now that Mr.Potter and Ms.(Y/L/N) have finished their shenanigans" Dumbledore said giving the two a cheery smile. "You May know that we are going to begin the Triwizard Tournament today and so we have the pleasure of housing Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. So please welcome Beauxbatons school." Dumbledore said nodding as a very tall, large woman entered with many young girls following behind her. They gracefully leaped down the Great Hall enchanting boys with their charms and casting butterflies around them. Dumbledore seated the large woman apparently known by Madame Maxine. Harry looked over at me. "They seem a small bit uptight but they are very pretty" He said smiling. You put a fake disgusted look on your face. "I thought I was your girlfriend Harry Warry!" You said faking fainting. Harry smiled and put on a fake angry look. "How dare you! I am allowed to be charmed so amazingly by the fabulous Beauxbatons!" He said squinting. You both busted out laughing and Hermione stared at the pair smiling. She chuckled "You two..." she said shaking her head. A loud thumping noise came from behind the Great Hall's doors. A thickly coated man came through with Vicktor Krum followed by many young men. All you could hear through the Hall was girls dreamy sighs and boys whoops for the new quidditch opportunities and jealous whispers because of them about to steal their girl. (Hahahahh heheheheh ITS MR.STEAL YO GURL........sorry)
You chuckled as Krum eyed Hermione and she read her book. You smiled as they thumped their staffs against the floor and enchanted fire floated around their steps and staffs. You rolled your eyes and sipped your pumpkin juice when a tall Durmstrang boy looked in your direction and your eyes locked. He winked at you. You coughed awkwardly and stared at the table. They walked to the front and Dumbledore greeted Igor Karkaroff, their leader. He took his seat and the Durmstrang went and sat with the Slytherin while the boy from before who winked at you walked over to the Gryffindor table. You looked up and he smiled at you. Oh no.

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