The Date : Chapter 13 (cont.)

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George's POV:
I stared in shock at what I couldn't believe! (Y/N) stood there at the top of the staircase splitting up the boys and the girls rooms. She looked so magnificent and beautiful. She stood there in a simple short dress it was turquoise with a little brown belt around her waist. She was absolutely stunning. I just stood there staring at her and then walked close to her. "(Y/N)....." I said quietly. "Yes Georgie?" She said cutely. "Words can not describe how simply beautiful you are." "Awe thanks George" she said running to me and wrapping me in a hug as I lifted her up spinning her around. I set her down and kissed her gently and she took my hand as we walked out and to the forbidden forest. I led her to a small patch deep into the forest where there was a small area of bright green grass and the sunlight filtered in perfectly. I sat her down on the grass and spread out a blanket and sat on the grass to have room for all the food. She happily gazed around as butterflies floated around her and she giggled. I smiled at her and took out my wand. I murmured a spell and smiled as a flower crown spread across her head and some lingering sparkles flew around her. She stared at it in awe. "Oh George this is...amazing!" She said happily. "Oh I can think of someone more beautiful and amazing. She's sitting right across from me." She blushes and scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder and I smiled. "Leviosa!" I shouted and all the food started levitating out from the basket and spread itself across the blanket. I enjoyed a peanut butter and banana sandwich and she enjoyed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (You can change the sandwich types if you want). After eating I packed up the picnic stuff and she sat looking at the birds and feeding them a little bit of her sandwich. I smiled for the hundredth time today. "Leviosa" I muttered and the bag floated behind me. I picked up (Y/N) bridal style and carried her back to our common room.

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