Colin Creevey : Chapter 11

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Colin's POV:
"(Y/N) is amazing!" Colin thought himself as he walked down the hall. (Y/N) had her arm lazily draped around your shoulders and Colin smiled up at her happily. "(y/n)?" Colin said quietly. "Yes Colin?" (Y/N) said quickly. "Are you my friend?" Colin asked. "Of course not!" (Y/N) said with a laugh. "You're my best friend" She said bopping Colin's nose. Colin smiled and hugged her quickly then running of to class. "OH!" Colin yelled and ran back to (Y/N). "I made you something!" Colin said stuffing it in your hand and running away. (Y/N) gently unfolded her fingers and tears came to her eyes. A small locket sat with a picture of Colin on one side and a picture of George and (Y/N) on the other side. (Y/N) wrapped it around her neck and touched it gently.

Your POV:
You ran down the hall to the library. You happily got a book down called "Mystical Beasts Of The Forbidden Forest". You blew the dust off the cover and started flying through the book. All of the sudden you heard someone shout. "HELP!!" Someone called. You ran through the winding paths as the shouts got louder. You stop to see Colin pinned up high against a wall and Malfoy and Crabbe picking on him. "HEY!" You shout storming over. "Let him go." "What are yah gonna do (Y/N)?!" Crabbe said in his annoying high pitched voice. You wind back and plunge your fist into the side of Crabbe's face and he falls back on the floor. "That's for calling Malfoy my boyfriend!" You shout walking towards him. You whip out your wand muttering a spell and Crabbe turns into a small beetle. "And that's for picking on kids!" You shout louder this time. "You mutter another spell and he turns back frightened. "AND THIS IS FOR COLIN!" You shout angrily. You stomp hard on the ground making a thundering noise and it echoes through the library. They run for their puny lives and you go over to a curled up Colin. "Colin! Are you okay!" You say sliding next to him adjusting your position to sitting on your knees. "Coli-." You are cut off by him leaping into your arms wrapping you in a tight hug and sobbing into your uniform. "I-I've never been so scared in my life! They threatened to feed me to Fluffy! And-And!" You cut him off and hug him tightly and he goes limp in your arms and sobs more. "Shhh...I won't let them hurt you again..." you say attempting to soothe him. "Thank you!" He stutters breaking from your hug still clutching you forearms. You nod and get up helping him stand up. You pick up his scattered books and pull him into a half-armed hug. You break apart and you smile at him and put your hand gently on the side of his face and wipe away his tears. He smiles and stands tall. You walk out behind him carrying his stuff and walk to your classes. You sit down and eavesdrop on a conversation. "Harry Potter is trying to get into the Chamber Of Secrets! There's a giant snake on the loose! Keep it quiet though..." someone says. You sigh. "I wonder whose going to go to the hospital wing first!" They joke.

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