The First Task : Chapter 22 (cont.)

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Your POV:

You sat beside Hermione quickly in the stands watching the dragon ring quietly. "Um, (Y/N)?" Hermione said worried as she turned her head to see (Y/N) staring off into space. Silence was Hermione's answer. "(Y/N)?" Hermione said worried. "(Y/N)!!!" Hermione said. You jumped looking at Hermione and blinking. "Yes?" You said biting your lip. "What's gotten into you?" Hermione said a little agitated. "I'm worried...." you said looking away from her direction. "For Harry." Hermione blinked then looked at the floor boards in thought. Many kids started to flood in. "Come on" Hermione said as she pulled you up and through the annoying first years who were trying to figure out who Cedric and Vicktor were. You stared at her slowly following her down the steps of the stands. You cocked a brow in her direction. "Where are we going 'Mione." "To Harry." You nodded and followed as she held your wrist tightly and shuffled through the kids. A girl and her friend sneered at you in the distance. You squinted at them. They walked up to you and one girl laughed. You paused stopping Hermione. "Yes?" You said curiously. Silence. "Is there a problem?" You asked. "Yeah. You." The girl who clearly led the other behind her. She had wavy blonde hair and green-blue eyes. She was pale and had a headband pulling her hair back a little. You eyed her up and down and then turned to the other who had tan skin, black hair and blue eyes. You coughed awkwardly. "Well um nice to meet you, we must be going now." You said shifting your feet and turning to go. "Sorry it just took awhile for our brains to register that the Chosen One would choose Mudbloods to be his so called friends." She stated nastily. You turned around. "Are you just jealous that HARRY, yes that's his name not "the chosen one", prefers us over snobs like you?" You said hissing. She sneered. "My names Jessica Brown and that's Tulip Parkinson." (These are my Oc's which are siblings of students at Hogwarts so they're not real but jut adding them in :) ) She said frowning. "Why do I care?" You said raising your eyebrows. Hermione tugged at your arm. "She's a waste, let's go" Hermione said worriedly. "Yeah listen to your mudblood friend!" Jessica said giggling. "That's it." You said walking up to her. "Listen don't mess with me or my friends, leave us alone. Maybe this'll teach you to not bully other students." You said winding back and slapping her. "Toodles!" You said walking to Hermione and taking her arm. She started at you in loss of words and just let you drag her to the tent. You walked to the tent and went to the back. Hermione paused. "'Mione?" You said confused. "Could you go get my scarf off the bleachers it freezing I'm sorry" she said frowning your way. You nodded and ran to the bleachers humming. You pushed past kids and looked for the red and gold scarf. After about 5 minutes you found it under a kids foot and politely got it. You ran down the bleachers and to the back of the tent. You opened the flap. " 'Mione! I got yo-" you stopped. Your heart shattered into a million pieces. You stood there and saw Hermione hugging Harry tightly which didn't bother you but made you a tiny bit jealous. The part that made your heart break was the reporters yelling on about "Hogwarts Hottest New Couple!". You saw as they all yelled it out "Hermione and Harry! Newest couple! What about Krum? The newest scandal!" You just heard it ringing in your ears. You looked up to see Harry and Hermione shaking their heads and staring at each other and then Harry saw you. "(Y/N) it's not what it looks li-" you shook your head and lowered the flap. A tear ran down your cheek as you heard reporters still going on about it and then Harry having to rush off to do the task. You placed Hermione's scarf on the ground and walked away towards Hogwarts. It was a long walk. It was going to be a long, peaceful, quiet walk. You wiped the tear away with your scarf and trekked through the snow. You walked through the snow in thought. Why was life so messy? Why couldn't it be simple? Why couldn't George accept you as his friend and just apologize? Why did reporters have to exist? You sighed. And saw you had just been walking and walked into Hogwarts. You walked through the big doors and to the Great Hall. This was one of the first times you heard it quiet and actually knew it was going to stay that way for awhile. You sat at an empty bench and sighed. You stared at the glorious Christmas trees standing tall. You gazed at the flaming red and glowing gold ornaments which hung proudly on a Gryffindor decorated Christmas tree. You stared at the other houses trees and smiled. A pecking was heard at the window and you turned to see an owl. You walked to the window to see a gorgeous shimmery dark blue, midnight colored owl. You exhaled in awe at its beauty. "Why hello there!" You said chuckling as you stroked it's beautiful feathers. You looked around outside. No one. You outstretched your arm. "Come in! Come in from the cold!" You said smiling as it flew onto your arm and you closed the windows. It cooed gently. "I don't have any treats but I do have some shortbread!" You said reaching into your pocket and stuck the piece out as it ate it. You looked at its foot to see a note wrapped around its leg. You unwrapped it gently. It read:
I can no longer care for this owl. Please take care of this owl whoever finds this.
You smiled. This bird was yours. "I'll name you Astra!" You said. You returned to your room and set Astra in an old cage from your bird that died in the past you took it Incase you found a pheonix or some crazy animal. You filled the food dish and water. You nodded and sighed sitting on your bed.
(To be continueddd)

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