Petrified : Chapter 12

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Your POV:
You slowly walked down the hallway and smiled at the Sun. Colin came barreling around the corner and wrapped you in a tight embrace. "(y/n)!" He shouted squeezing you tighter. You laughed and patted his head. "Gotta get to class! Bye!" He shouted running away. You laughed shaking your head. You smiled and had a good day as the day went along. You were sitting in class when a slightly frightened Professor Mcgonagall walked into your class. She walked over to your desk silently and slowly. Students watched her walk towards your desk. She stopped in front of you. "Miss (Y/N)" she whispered her voice a little shaky. "Mr. Colin Creevey has been petrified..." she whispers. Your eyes widen quickly. "no." You say. "I'm afraid so darling..." she said giving you a pitiful look. You clap a hand over your mouth to stop your yells and run out of the classroom tears spilling down your cheeks. You run down the corridor not turning back and you kept running until your legs were weak and leaned quickly against a wall. You try to catch your breath between sobs and slide down the hard, cold stone wall. You sob more and hug your knees. You take some breaths after a good 30 minutes of crying. You stand up and walk to the hospital wing quickly. You throw open the doors and see other kids sitting around another petrified kid. You don't see a single soul around Colin and your cheeks flame red. You walk over to Colin's cot and collapse in the chair next to his raised bed. You wrap your hands around his hard, still fingers. You sob more and George, Fred, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Oliver, and Hermione walk in and run to your side all except Ron. George gets to you first and holds you gently as you cry into his sweater. Ron rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Why are you all pitying her?" He sneers glaring at you. George looks up and whispers something in Fred's ear and he nods and holds you instead. George walks over to Ron. "Are. You. Serious." He quietly mutters. "Don't you understand!! (Y/N)'s best friend just basically got paralyzed and you don't even care!! She should be like a sister to you by now that's how everyone who loves me treats her!!! Even Percy! PERCY RON!" He yells. Ron's face twists in terror. "IF YOU DONT LOVE HER, YOU DONT LOVE ME!" He yells. "GET OUT!!!" He screams. Ron stands there and George angrily pins Ron up against a wall. You shoot up and run to George. You shove George off of Ron. George throws you away from him and you fall to the ground. You shoot back up as George rushes back over to a terrified Ron. You put your hands on George's chest and lift on hand to his cheek and make him look at you. "George...listen to me" you say softly. "It's okay...please don't fight." You say. He nods and calms down going to Fred. "I-I-I I couldn-how!" "Just go Ron..." you say giving him a sorry look. He runs out quickly and you go to Colin's cot and hold his petrified fingers gently. Harry and Hermione left after a while. They hurried out. A boy named Oliver came. Quite a dashing fellow I must say. He was really nice to you. You got introduced and Fred left with him. You and your friends now traveled in pairs of groups because of the recent events. You stayed there for a while and sat on the bed stroking his hand gently. George stood up. "'s getting need rest for tomorrow..." he said gently. "Oh....ok...." you sighed and let go of Colin's hand. You took the necklace from around your neck and tied it around Colin's gently. You smiled at him weakly and took George's hand. "Please don't let me come back to see Colin..." you say. "Why?" George replies. "Because I won't leave Colin if I come back..."

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