Understanding : Chapter 23

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Your POV:

You woke up the next morning and got dressed very early trying to avoid drama that you knew was going to hit you that day. You walked to the boys dormitories and walked into Harry's shared dorm. You walked up to his bed and sat on the edge as he acknowledged your presence and smiled. "Hey..." You said staring at your skirt. "Hi?" He said. "So I've been thinking" you said straightening your posture. Harry stared at you, you having his full attention. "Um...this has nothing to do with the situation yesterday, but I think we should be more friends." You said staring into his emerald eyes. His smile turned to a frown. "Well you see...Harry you're my best friend and that's all I can see you as! And it's just I'm confused and I love you so much! But as a friend and I want to protect that! With everything I have..." You said with a very concerned look. Harry blinked and comprehended what just happened. "I understand I feel the same because you are like my sister and I couldn't see that for a while but I do now" Harry said nodding and wrapping you in a hug. You smiled and melted into a familiar friendly embrace. "Well I have to get to breakfast" You said into his shoulder. He nodded and you got up. You walked out and to the hallway and smiled as a small Gryffindor boy followed you. You smiled as he slid under your arm. "Hey Collin" you said smiling brightly. "(Y/N)!!" He said quietly and hugged you tightly. He then broke away and removed the locket of their portraits and slid it over your head so it hung perfectly on your sweater. "Thank you Collin" you said hugging him again. "So I came to talk to you about something" Collin said with a mischievous smile. You shook your head and raised a brow. "I was thinking we could make George jelly" he said with an adorable determined look. You giggled and nodded. "Now I'm interested, do go on" You said smirking. "I have a date for you, for the Yule Ball" He said smiling. "Okay, who is it?" You said. "That's a secret" he grinned running off. "Collin!" You said shaking your head heading quickly to the Great Hall. You sat down beside Hermione. "Hey 'Mione" You said smiling. She set down her book and exhaled. "You're not mad?" She said closing her eyes and wincing. You shook your beautiful (y/h/c) hair. She blinked and sighed. "Thank you I didn't mean for all that drama I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and I just-" Hermione said. "It's okay 'Mione" you said cutting her off. She smiled and continued eating her breakfast. Ginny slid next to you. "Hey wanna go dress shopping later?" She said casually sliding her stacked plate in front of her. You nodded. "How's after school?" Ginny said yawning and shoveling bacon in her mouth. "That's fine, meet at the statue leading there?" You said sipping from your Goblet. She nodded in response. "Who's your date Ginny?" Hermione questioned. "Neville." Ginny mumbled through a mouth full of pancakes. You choked on your drink. "Neville?" You said surprised you thought she despised the guy. "Yeah he asked me so I said yes." "Okay Gin." You stared at your food and grabbed an apple. You slowly bit into it and stood up. "I'm gonna go, see ya" You said waving and walking out. They waved back and you walked into the damp hallway shivering. You walked down the cold hallway eating your apple and suddenly a pair of hands set a warm jacket over your shoulders. You turned gently to face this person. You gasped slightly and gulped. "Draco?" You said staring at his gray eyes. "Hello" He said cooly leaning against a beam jacket-less. You cuddled the jacket closer and raised a brow. He chuckled. You stared at him confused. "You seem awfully cuddly with your "enemies" jacket" he said smirking famously. You stared at the crest on the jacket and saw the same slimy snake you didn't want to see. "You! You! You! Wart!" You stomped angrily. "You know you're cute when you're mad?" He said standing up. "I-I!" You stumbled over your words. "Speechless? That happens a lot to girls who are around me." He said chuckling slightly. Your confused and angry glance turned to a kind of angry smile. "Shut up!" You said both angrily and laughing. "Did I hear a laugh?" Draco said frowning. "No?" You said kind of doubting it. "Sure (y/l/n)" Draco said rolling his eyes. "You want Weasley jealous? Let's make him jealous." You stood there blankly.

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