On The Train : Chapter 2

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Your POV:
You smile and walk down the train isles. You come to a small compartment with seats and look in to see a platinum haired kid staring back at you with big gray eyes. You shyly wave sweetly and he smirks at you going back to his conversation. You smile softly thinking I'm going to get to know that boy! You walk further and see some orange hair and smile sliding open the door. George looks up at you. "Um hey (Y/N)! Wanna sit with us?" George asks sweetly. Fred grins and pokes him playfully. "Uh sure." You say fiddling with a strand of your (H/C) colored hair. You smile and sit beside George, who was opposite of Fred. "George, Fred, may I ask you a question?" You ask smiling a little at the floor.

George's POV:
What do I say? I'd like to say something cool to impress her! Yeah! Or maybe something a tad charming? Romantic? Ugh! Girls are so confusing! "Of course love." I say smirking. She blushed madly as the words escape my lips. "Is there anyone you know with platinum blonde hair at Hogwarts?" She said frowning. Me and Fred looked at each other. Malfoy. "Uh yeah...Draco I guess" I say smoothly. "Oh okay." "Why?" I say. "We saw each other earlier..." she said blushing a light pink. SHE LIKES MALFOY??? Are you stinking kidding me! A Malfoy! Ugh! I clenched my fists against the soft plush cushions under me.

Your POV:
Something was wrong with George...he had his fists clenched. You softly laid your hand a little close to his and rested your pinky finger on his hand gently and played it off as an accident. George turned to you and laid his hand on top of yours. "You okay?" He said staring at me. "Uh yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said. "Because you laid your hand on mine" he said raising an eyebrow. "Oh!" I said pretending to be shocked. "Sorry!" I said blushing a little. "It's fine" he said smiling at me.

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