Are we a...couple? : Chapter 9

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Your POV:
You sit toying with a loose thread and your feet sprawl out on the big over stuffed sofa and stare at the ceiling. Fred climbs down the stairs and sits with you. You glance up then go back into your thinking daze. " okay?" Fred says gently. "Yeah..." you say crawling over and resting your head on his lap. George comes down and sees you two and looks down sadly. You look over at George. "Get over here you bloody idiot!" You shout. He smiles and sits down laying your feet on his lap. Fred smiles wickedly. "So Georgie who are you crushing on?" Fred asked. "No one". You gaze at Fred both shocked and sad. "Who do you like (Y/N)?" Fred asks. "A DAFT IDIOT" you yell chucking a pillow at George angrily. You run upstairs sobbing. You throw yourself onto your bed angrily and spend the rest of the night in your room crying.
~Time skip~
You woke up your cheeks stuff from tears. You get ready into your clothes and duck into the hall ignoring everything. You storm to the Great Hall and plop down at the opposite end of the table from George. You gobble down your food and leave early down the hall avoiding everyone. You walk into the library and a pair of hands grab you. "We meet again without that stupid Weasley." Draco sneers through the darkness. He leans in closing his eyes and you backing up into something. "Back off Draco." A familiar voice says. Draco smirks and winds back about to punch. The person thrusts his fist first knocking Draco unconscious to the floor. The figure takes your wrist and then us revealed by the blinding light. George Weasley?! He turns around and pulls you into the room of requirement. "What are you doi-." I was cut off by his kiss. Sadly it only lasted a few seconds but it felt like I was floating on cotton candy. Oh gosh I'm going into detail... we broke apart. "Are we a...couple?" You stuttered. "I guess...I mean if you want us to be?!" He flipped out. I giggled and took his hand. We walked to the Gryfinndor common room together. Everything right then was great. (This is not the end)

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