T W E N T Y - F O U R

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What the fuck...

"Terry? What the hell!?" I yelled.

Terry, Hailey's ex from high school...why even?

I out my phone from my back pocket and called the cops.

I kept an eye on Terry while the cops came.

When they got here, he was slightly awake, but he didn't get away and he got arrested.

Alissa's POV:

We're in the hospital right now, and Hailey still isn't up. Hailey's mom is taking a plane here, since she lives in New York.

If I had just properly warned her, this wouldn't have happened. This was clearly my fault. If I had just ran to her and pushed her down, if I had just taken the shot, Hailey wouldn't be here, laying in a hospital bed.

I heard the door to Hailey's room swing open and saw the doctor walking towards me, Rice and Sommer.

"Hailey isn't waking up, she is..." he hesitated "in a coma. But it isn't too serious and I hope she'll be up soon" he completed.

"Ok, thank you" I smiled and he walked away.

I decided to call Gray to tell him what was up and called Liza too.

They both said they'd be here soon.

Grayson's POV:

I was on a date and my phone started to ring, and it was Alissa.

I excused myself and attended the call, and as soon as I hear Alissa talk, I could tell she'd been crying.

"Hey, G-Gray, come to the hospital n-now, Hailey got shot" she said.


"O-okay I'll be there soon" I feel my voice crack and I excuse myself from my date and drive to the hospital.

Alissa's POV:

Grayson is here now and so is Liza, but her mom is still on the flight.

Ethan wasn't here...but after seeing his snapchat story I'm low-key glad he's not here...

"Guys! W-what happened?" I look up to see Ethan.

Think of the devil...

"Uh, Hailey got shot by her ex from junior year" Grayson said.

"Why? What did Terry want now? I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Ethan said, as tears slid down his cheeks.

"Ethan, the "bitch you made famous" is in a coma" I said in a sweetly sarcastic voice.

"What?" Ethan asked, like be was surprised.

"Stop acting like you're clueless, E. And how did you even get here? Who told you?" I asked, my arms crossed and my eyebrows raised.

"Gray called me..."

I looked over at Gray and raised a brow.

"What? I don't even get why you're mad at him"

"Peep his snapchat story, you moron"

Grayson sighed and pulled out his phone. He saw the snapchat and looked at Ethan like he murdered his kids.

"You asshole!" Grayson said, playfully punch Ethan.

"What? Please don't tell me I drunk snapped" Ethan said,practically wailed.

"Yeah, you did!" Grayson said, shoving the screen in Ethan's face, and Ethan kept cursing after he watched the snap. He quickly deleted it and walked back and forth with his hands in his hair.

I saw the doctor walking towards us and he told us we could see her now.

We all got up and walked towards the room and slowly walked in.

"Guys can I please have a minute alone with her?" Ethan asks.

I sit down in the chair next to her bed and hold her hand.

I slowly bring it up to my lips and gently kiss it.

"Hailey, I'm so sorry for all the shit I put you through. Please, please wake up. Don't do it for me, do it for yourself. It should've been me. I'm the one who puts you through crap. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me" I feel tears fall down my cheeks.

Hailey's POV:

I felt someone grab my hand and I recognized the touch right away.


I hear his voice, he's asking for forgiveness. I try to open my eyes but I can't.


Ethan's POV:

"Ethan" I hear Hailey mumble. She was up.

A small painful smile appears on my face.

"Nurse! She's up!" I yell. A nurse rushes in with Alissa, Rice, Sommer, Gray, Liza and and Banks with her.

"Ms. Montgomery, you're up" the nurse says.

"Nah fam, I'm dead" Hailey says with a small smile.

Tears of joy mixed with sadness fall down my face.

She was so perfect. Her brownish-greenish eyes shined so beautifully, her smile could light up the whole world, her hair fell so perfectly, her soft plump lips.

I was in love.

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