T W E N T Y - F I V E

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We all looked at each other concerned.

"Hailey..." Liza said holding her hand.

Hailey burst out laughing and then clutched her shoulder in pain.

"Fucks sake, I forgot I got shot. Anyways, you guys, I was kidding. I know who you are!" She said and we all sighed in relief.

She pointed at me and said "you're my brothers boyfriend" I raised my eyebrow at her.

She then pointed at Alissa and said "You're Taylor Sift" she said  forgetting her own idols name.

She pointed at Gray and said "you're him" and then pointed at me.

She pointed at Liza and said "You're my Chachoo's wife (Hailey is Brown/American so it means uncle in Urdu)" Liza held her hand to her chest in shock.

"Bitch don't call me old" Liza said jokingly.

"You are my dog walker" she said pointing at Banks.

"I'm kidding guys, I know who y'all are. Ethan, Grayson, Alissa, Liza, Banks" she says.

We sigh in relief.

"Stop messing with us" Gray said.

We all sat there talking and then Alissa pulled me out of the room.

"Tell her" she said.

"What? Tell her what?" I asked confused.

"That snake bitch drugged you and sucked your wibbly wobbly itty bitty willy, and you didn't cheat on her" she said.

"Ok first of all, it is not itty bitty. And second of all, how?" I said.

"Sure whatever. And just spit it out" she said.

I nodded and went inside and she followed me.

"Hailey. I got sexually assaulted" I said.

"What?" She said, her eyes tearing up.

"That video Erika sent you, she drugged me and her and Kade or Kode, I don't know, took me to the bathroom and..." I said and gulped my tears.

"Ethan, why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"I tried to, but you kicked me out." I said.

Hailey's POV:

I felt like such an idiot.

"Ethan, I'm so sorry. I'm such an asshole" I say sinking into my bed.

"No, you're not. You're fucking perfect. You're beautiful. I love you, remember that" he said placing a kiss on my forehead. Everyone was staring at until Alissa and Gray spoke up.

"Get a room!"

"Y'all nasty!"

"Hoya? More like Hoe-ya"

I rolled my eyes and Ethan chuckled.

"We're such an annoying on-off couple" Ethan said.

"I agree" I said chuckling.

It was all perfect now. I had him.  I was awake. He's all I ever wanted, and now I can call him mine, permanently now.

Author's note:

Thank you all for this amazing experience. I am sorry to say that Irresistible is coming to an end. This has been a really fun ride. thank you for everything. I love you all to death ❤❤❤
Jk. Its not ending, you're stuck with me for a little bit more I guess. Also I decided to make Hailey half brown (pakistani) because I see Arab girls, white girls, black girls (very rarely :( ) Latin girls but I have never seen a brown girl so I yeah. Ly all xx

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