T W E N T Y - S I X

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I was finally getting out of this hellhole today. My wound had completely healed, because Ethan made me stay in the hospital until it was completely gone.

I see my nurse walk in and I give a small smile.

"Ms, your mom got you these clothes" she says handing me my oversized cat whiskers sweater and black ripped jeans. "You can change into these and then go to the hallway. Your mother is waiting for you in the hallway" she smiles and leaves. I get up and feel cold air hit my ass. I groan and tie my hospital gown properly go to the bathroom.

I took a shower and put on my clothes. I got ready and grabbed my phone, my MacBook and songwriting notebook. I got some ideas in the month and a half I've been here.

I got two ideas, one was a female empowerment song that Alissa, Liza and Lily helped me write. Yes, LILY. Liza got her to come visit me and we ended up being friends. Y'all should've seen me fangirl. And the other one was also kind of also about being a woman, it was more personal. Ethan's fans have been giving me a lot of hate lately, so it's about how I could do without him, kind of.

I couldn't go without him, never

I leave the room and skip to my mom.

She gives me her famous grin and squint.

"Lets go, Hailey. Your dad's back from-" she says.

"Really? Mom! He made it? Oh my god. Dad's here!" I yell in the hospital, and people shoot me weird looks.

You're probably confused, my dad's been gone for over a year to serve the country.

We drive to my apartment and I run upstairs like a little kid. I didn't take the elevator, I took the stairs to the 7th floor. I was panting when I got up and my mom looked at me with crossed arms.

"Like I always tell your dad, chill your dick" my mom says.

I give her a weird expression and look at her with wide eyes.

"You never say that to dad, mom" I say inserting and turning my key in the ignition.

"Ok, I don't. God Hailey, you're killing my vibe!" She says.

I chuckle and open the door to see my lights off.

I turn them on and almost get a heart attack.

Ethan's POV:

We hear Hailey and her mom and everybody looks at me.

"She's here, get down" I whisper-yell.

We all hide in several spots and then we what the door swing open.

"Surprise!" We all yell.

Hailey has a surprised expression on her face and I chuckle.

"W-what? You guys suck. This use the second time"she says.

"Fine. Guys come on, let's all go" I say.

"No, don't do that" she says.

Hailey's POV:

Ethan walks up to me and kisses my forehead.

"Welcome back, babygirl" he says, causing me to get butterflies.

"Thank you, Ethan" I say.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see my dad in his military uniform.

"Dad!" I say as tears form in my eyes.

His face was untouched, it was the exact same as it was when he left.

My dad looks behind me and he whispers.

"Who's that behind you? Is it your boyfriend? Eeeeek!" He says, squealing like a 16 year old.

I loved my parents. They were both funny, they were both caring and they knew I wasn't a virgin, and they didn't think of it much because they knew I wasn't opening my legs for everyone, and they knew I was going to loose it one day, and they were thankful I didn't before 17. You must be thinking "weird lmao" but that's how it is in my family.

He walks over to Ethan and gives him a serious look. He clears his throat and Ethan stops talking to David and looks at my dad. Ethan's eyes widen and he salutes and my dad's fake straight face falls. He bursts out laughing and at this point he's wheezing.

Ethan looks at him confused and my dad stops laughing. He holds out his hand for Ethan to shake.

"I'm Hailey's dad" he says.

Ethan shakes it nervously and smiles.

"I'm, uh, Ethan Dolan. Your daughters boyfriend. It's a true honour dating her, Mr. Montgomery" he says.

"Call me Jake, and Hailey's mom kept her full birth name, I'm Jake Peralta" my dad says.

"Yeah, I would not like to be embarrassed with his last name" my mom says.

Ethan chuckles and they continue talking. I look at Ethan and realize how perfect he is.

His hazel eyes, his soft, fluffy hair, his soft, pink and plump lips,  his beautiful smile and laugh, his personality, his looks, his body, the way he drives me crazy.

I love him. He's mine. He makes me believe, he makes me happy.

Later on, we were all having a blast.

Grayson stood up on my kitchen counter and asked for our attention.

"Attention, bitches" he says.

My parents chuckle at him and he realizes that they're here. His cheeks turn red and he apologizes. They shrug and he continues.

"There's a little speech I have. So, about 3 years ago I met Hailey. We didn't meet in the most fun way, seeing the cops showed up. Not because we were having too much fun, because Hailey was raped. He didn't take her virginity, and if Ethan and I were just a little bit late" his voice cracks and I can feel tears falling down my cheeks. Ethan continues after that"If we were just a minute late. I've seen Hailey turn into such a powerful, amazing, hot, and talented badass. Look at her, she's a teenager from New Jersey and she has a successful music career, has performed at the VMAs, and she went from fangirling over Taylor Swift to texting her everyday. A glow up. I'm a teenager from Jersey, and I talk to cameras. Well she does too, but you get what I mean. She's been out through a lot but she's never had enough. She's made it through it and many people can't. She's been with me through thick and thin. I'm so proud to call her mine. Grayson, go on"

"Hailey, I trust you so much and I know you won't judge me for this. I hope none of you will" 

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