T H I R T Y - T W O

13 1 0

*read at your own risk*

It has been about a month since the tour ended. Grayson and Ethan are in New Jersey, Grayson is blond and Ethan is hot as fuck. The last thing isn't anything new, but had to mention it.

It's been a rough week so I decided to go out on a walk in the woods.

I was walking through the woods and it was really dark and quiet. You could hear the crickets chirping or whatever shit they do.
I heard more footsteps behind me and stopped for a second to look behind me. I see a blonde guy and a brunette guy walk towards me and my heart started beating faster.

Jake and C-chance.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask as I continue walking.

All of a sudden, I feel myself being pushed up against a tree by Chance. Tears start forming in my eyes and I swallow them, I didn't wanna seem weak.

"Hailey, you wouldn't be fucking shit without me. You wouldn't be where you are, you wouldn't get inspiration to be an artist. And you wouldn't be anywhere without roasting Jake" Chance says through gritted teeth.

I start to scream and kick only for my leg to be pushed down by Jake.
Chance slaps me and throws a punch at me and Jake kicks me in my thigh. Chance throws another punch and I choke on my own blood.

"Just a quick fuck, sugar plum" Chance says.

I felt so weak. I felt useless, pathetic.

"Please, please don't to this. Please" I say through sobs.

"Shut up" Jake screams.

I might as well...go with it.

Chance pulls his pants down and pulls down my yoga pants too. He leaves hickeys and bruises all over my body. I felt disgusting, but I couldn't fight back.

I felt him thrust into me and a sharp pain shoot up my thighs. I was sobbing loudly but what was it to him. He kept moaning and cursing and punching me and I was disgusted by the sight of his face. I felt him twitch inside me and more tears fall from my eyes.

I didn't understand how Jake just stood there on his phone, not doing anything while someone was getting raped in front of him.

He pulled out and kicked me right in the gut a few times, making me spit blood.

They both walked away, leaving me on the ground in pain. I found a way to get up, and walked out of the woods, clutching each tree on the way.

I didn't get far and I got raided by paparazzi.

"Hailey, why are you bruised?"

"Hailey! Did you fall down a hill?"

"Are those hickeys or bruises!?"

I pushed through the crowd as nore tears fell from my face and ran home.

I unlock my apartment door and shut the door behind me, locking it.

I slid down my door, sobbing and hiccupping.  I wipe of my my tears and walk to my bathroom, limping on the way.

I open the door and lock it behind me. I stare at my reflection, feeling disgusted by the girl who was staring back at me.

If only you fought back, you're a weakling.

You're fucking useless.

You're pathetic.

You're worthless.

Chance was right, you would be no where without him or Jake.

You're disgusting.

You let it happen.

You didn't do anything.

You're a disgrace.

You shouldn't have let it happen.

This is obviously, and in every way YOUR fault.

I felt disgusting. Like a hopeless case. I felt vulnerable. I felt dirty just straight up dirty.

You let it happen again.





A fucking disgrace.

You're so unworthy of all you have.
Chance was probably right.

You would be be NOTHING without Jake or him. YOU'RE A NOTHING.

I let out a loud scream, but it was as if no one heard me.

I looked towards my bathroom cabinet and a horrifying thought went through my head.

Do it.

It'll make you forget about your current pain.

It'll only be a pinch.

You'll feel better.

I got up and took out a blade, not thinking twice.

One cut.

Two cuts.

Three cuts.

Four cuts.

Five cuts.

Six cuts.

Seven cuts.

Eight cuts.

Blood oozed out of my wrist as I now started to...regret? What I just I did.

Was Chance truly right.

No, he wasn't.

Don't let him fool you.

He's full of shit.

My good conscious started hitting me as I carefully stared at myself.

He almost had be fooled.

Author's note:
Hey guys :) so I want to find you, that the characters ARE NOT WHAT THEY ARE LIKE IRL. In no way does this story say that Chance Sutton would get away with rape and Jake Paul would let it happen. In no way does this story stay that Jake and Team 10 are okay with rape. I strongly dislike them, but I'm not saying that they are ok with it. In now way does this story say that Ethan drinks, and is a player. In no way does this story state that Grayson is pan, even though it shouldn't matter if he is or isn't irl. Anyways, my point is, that this is just a fanfiction. It is FICTION. Ok anyway, ilyasm :)))))

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