T W E N T Y - N I N E

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"Hey, Taylor. So we're about to record a song and I was wondering do you wanna be a part of it?" I say into the phone.

"Sure, why not! You're at the Sunset Boulevard studio right?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Instincts. And its the best studio in LA, I thought you'd be there. I'm luckily here right now, eating at In and Out with Patrick. I'll be there soon"

"Great! I'll see you soon" I say.

"Yep, you will. Bye"

"Bye" I say and hang up.

"Dude" Ethan says.

I raise my eyebrows at him in a friendly way to make him continue.

"You don't just, just call up Taylor Swift and say 'yo come over lets collab' It's Taylor Swift!" He says, dramatically of course.

I let out a chuckle at how extra he was. People say that girls were the dramatic ones in relationships, but it's definitely not like that in every relationship.
"It's Hailey's life now. She texts her idols like they're her mom. She's friends with Taylor, Ethan. Remember that" Alissa says.

"But Taylor probably knows so much shit about me!" Ethan whines, sinking into the sofa he was sitting in.

"I'm leaving see y'all later" Ethan says and runs out of the room.

"Ethan!" Grayson yells.

Ethan's POV:

I ran out and then I saw someone at the counter and I knew it was Taylor because...I don't know. She was wearing a wig, with a hood, and glasses. I still recognized her though.

I ran back into the studio and everyone shook their heads at me.

Hailey's POV:

Ethan ran back into the room and I shook my head at him while I had a big smile on my face.

"Why are you back? I thought you were leaving?" Gray asked.

"5...4...3...2...1" Ethan mumbles.

I heard a knock on our door and I went over to open the door.

A woman rushed inside and when I saw her face I recognized her. Taylor.

I shut the door quickly and locked it, because we all know that this woman is trying to hide from the world.

"Hi" Taylor says panting.

"Hey! What happened?" I ask laughing.

"I'm trying to hide from the world and I was at the counter asking for the studio under the name Montgomery and the woman recognized my voice! And she screamed my name! And there was paparazzi outside the studio obviously, since Drake is here and they all tried taking pictures of me and I ran like there was no tomorrow" she said.

"Wow, ok. Have some water" I say and toss a bottle of water to her.

"Yo, hold up. Drake?" Ethan, Grayson and Alissa say at the same time.

I look at them weirdly and nod.

"Yeah guys, Drake. You've never met him before?" I ask.

"Dude hell no!" Grayson says.

"He didn't ask to meet you guys at the VMAs?" I ask.

"Dude the fuck? He asked to meet you? He asked? how am I just figuring out about this!?" Alissa says.

"I- I don't know. You guys didn't see him on the way in? He waved at us and-" I say but am cut off by Ethan.

"Ok Hailey I love you and all but Drake waved at us and your dumbass didn't tell me?" He says and I burst out laughing. 

"Ok, if you guys wanna meet him, just come along. He's in the one right next to us" I say simply.

"Wait but what's Drake even doing here. He should have his own studio at home because he's a huge artist, right?" Gray asks.

"It was probably an issue or something. And Drake recently just moved so it'll take while in developing the studio" Taylor answers.

"Ok, get up guys, and stay calm. We're gonna go say hi to Drake" I say.

"But-" Ethan tries to say something but is cut off by Alissa.

"Shut the fuck up you bitch. Get up. Let's go!" Alissa says.

I chuckle and they all get up.

"You comin?" I look over to Taylor and ask.

"No, I have to stay here. Have fun guys" Taylor says.

We go over to Drake's studio and I knock on the door.

"Yo Hailey!" Drake says and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey D. So this is Ethan, that's Grayson and that's Alissa. They're all big fans" I say pointing at each one of them.

"Ethan, Grayson. I know both of y'all. It's a hard to avoid you two on Twitter. And YouTube. I'm actually a subscriber. And Alissa I know you too! You've been on the news quite a lot of times. And I saw you at that party" Drake says and hugs them all.

"Well, sorry for bugging you. These guys couldn't hold their boners when they heard Taylor say your name. We've gotta get back to recording. See you later" I say and we leave.

We get back in our own studio and of course, they start fangirling.

"Ok, time to put down those boners. I have songs to record" I say.

"I've got to leave by 10, I have tour rehearsals" Taylor says.

We had 7 hours, that'd be enough.

"We're already done with the production, we just need to record this, here's the lyric sheet. You can decide your verse" I say handing her the paper.

We settled on her verse and then started to recording.

Ethan and Grayson are actually great producers. I mean, like they're great. They helped out so much.

We finished by 6 pm and then I had to record Woman.

"Go for something you haven't tried yet. Go for like, jazz but not really" Grayson suggests.

"Sure, let's try it out" I mumble.

We get half way through the song and they helped me change up the lyrics to suit the song better. It was going good so far.

"Hailey, when you and Ethan weren't together, men obviously tried to hit on you. So what did you say to them?" Taylor asks.

"Mostly 'don't by me a drink, I make my own money bitch' and 'don't fucking call me honey' or 'don't fucking call me that' and my favourite, 'don't touch my weave' " I say and the boys and Taylor burst out laughing at the last one.

"Lets try and record that and see how it sounds" Taylor suggests.

I nod and we try it. Ethan pulls some shit and blends it together and it honestly sounded good.

"Ok, that doesn't sound bad. Now this is where you're either gonna belt or something. So lez go" Grayson says.

I grab the headphones and I start.

"Cause I run my shit baby o-woah" I sing and hit the note I had in my mind for this song.

I look at them and all of their jaws are on the floor.

"You can whistle notes? What the fuck? That's amazing! I'm fangirling the shit out of myself" Taylor says.

"Uh, yeah I guess. I didn't know it was that special" I say, rubbing my arms.

I didn't see it as a big deal, for the longest time. I guess it was probably something rare.

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