Chapter Three

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I sleep on the floor by Alex's bed in a many assortment of blankets and quilts. It's my first night here and it isn't too bad. I am exhausted and sleep soundly for a very long time, and I can sleep longer than I do but I don't complain. Alex is the one who wakes me up, handing me a pair of brown trousers and a blue shirt before swiftly leaving the room. I am left alone in her bedroom as I quickly change into the clothing and make my way down to the kitchen and living room area.

I am nervous as I walk in to see that everyone is already sitting down at the wooden table and eating what I assume is breakfast. I stand off to the side until Al asks me if I am going to eat or not which I reply to with a yes and quickly sit down at the table. I am only half way finished my food when Alex calls for me to follow her, making me chug the food down and run after her to get ready for the hardest training I've ever done.

We start with stretching, then push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, food, stretching, then running, stretching, and finally supper. It takes all I have to keep going and trust me, that isn't much. I am fully exhausted but I still have chores to do.

"Your chores are a mixture of some of mine and Alex's." Explains Elie as we sit at the table by ourselves. "You'll tend to the garden every fourth day, Cook every third which includes breakfast and supper, second is yard work, and lastly first is cleaning the outhouse. One day out of the month we clean the whole house, and just so you know we clean and take care of our own weapons when you get to that stage."

I nod my head as he speaks, not speaking until he is done when I ask, "What day is it today?"

"Second but you don't have to do any chores today, only tomorrow which is third. I'll show you how it works for each day, so don't worry about that. I really want us to be friends."

I smile, my fist real smile since being here and say, "Yeah, me too." Elie is really friendly and nice. It will be good to have a friend and Alex is a little... hard.

Everything here is difficult yet so easy and relaxing and I love it. I am finally working towards something good, something better, and something meaningful. Don't get me wrong, I do miss home only... it never really was a home. Maybe here, this can be my home.

It is the beginning of June here and where I was. I just had my birthday not too long ago and now am fourteen. I just finished the eighth grade and was supposed to go on to high school and finish my education but now that won't happen. Education is a big thing there but here it's not that important, not really, at least not the book and pencil kind. There I knew my future and here I don't. And that makes me smile. There are no more weights pulling me down and I feel very free.


For the rest of spring I do the exercises and my chores, which is about four months. Although, after a week I do the exercises by myself without Alex's supervision and the chores without Elie's input. When autumn comes around I can finish all my exercises in the morning and I am in the best shape I've ever been in my whole 14 years. I feels amazing like I can do anything. Be anyone. I am no longer Alexandra, the useless, lonely and weird girl. I am Missione, the strong and courageous girl, no longer an outcast, no longer a loner, and no longer weak.

I am Missione.


I am watering the plants on the day summer arrives when Al walks up to me and says, "Missy, how is the garden growing?"

"Good." I say to him smiling. "We will be able to pick them soon enough."

"Good, then we can start the canning early and package more seeds soon. I have been watching you're progress Missy and it looks as though you can start on the basics now."

"Really?" Excitement and nerves settle in me at his words.

"Yes. With Elie, which means you will need a sword. Tomorrow he will take you and the next day after, you will start." He says smiling.

"Thank you." I say sincerely as he walks away.

I can't stop smiling as my stomach erupts into many butterflies. I can't wait to start.


I walk into the kitchen to find Elie eating his food already which is surprising since it is my day to cook.

"Cooking on my day?" I ask as I fill myself a bowl and sit down across from him.

He looks up at me and smiles before answering with, "I was up early. Couldn't sleep. I decided to cook. We also should get going to the blacksmith soon. Even though it's half a day's walk there, there is no sure estimate to when we will arrive or make it back here and I would like it to be before dark."

I watch his face as he speaks to me and I notice the dark circles under his eyes.

"Yeah, of course." I say worrying about him.

I finish the porridge quickly and then we head out. Only when he stands up do I notice the sword around his waist that's securely in its scabbard. Right, Saxons and bandits which he did warn me about before, but it still sends a pang of panic and fear in me when I think of the possible danger.

We continue out the door and to the direction of the blacksmith as I wonder what I should say. I can't stand to seem him so hurt and upset. Not sleeping, and maybe even damaging his health. I can't stand by and do nothing if there is something I can do. Elie is my friend and if something's bothering him then I want to know so that l can help him, or at the very least try.

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