Chapter Twenty Two

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"Arthur. I need to save Arthur. Arthur. I need to save Arthur." I say over and over again. It's all I can think of as a shock of cold ripples through my body and I start coughing. I spit out a lot of water as some of it runs out of my nose and then I cough some more. I keep my eyes shut for fear of what I might see and chant over and over again, "Arthur. I need to save Arthur. Arthur. I need to save Arthur."

I'm only slightly aware of something warm being draped across my shoulders and back. I feel solid ground leave me as I am being picked up and carried. "Arthur. I need to save Arthur. Arthur. I need to save Arthur. Arthur. I need to save Arthur." I can't stop shivering and as much as I want to curl up to keep warm, I don't. I am only slightly aware of my body and it's too hard to move. "Arthur. I need to save Arthur. Arthur. I need to save Arthur."

I'm placed on something really warm and I am leaning on something else that is really warm. I feel my shivers lessen slightly and become less violent but they are still there. A thought crosses my mind and I say, "Gwaine. Where's Gwaine?"

"I'm right here Missy. We'll be in Camelot shortly." A voice whispers to me as an arm wraps around me tightly.

I stop shivering and moving for only a moment until I start again. "Arthur. I need to save Arthur. Arthur. I need to... Save... Arthur..."


"Merlin hand me those extra blankets." Says an older man's voice, waking me up.

I open my eyes slowly and watch as colorful blobs move around a small room. They become clearer every few seconds until I can see them clearly. It's the older man, the physician Guise, and then there's Merlin. Guise is mixing together something in a bowl and Merlin is rushing around the room gathering blankets while making a small fire. Every few seconds Guise says something to Merlin and in turn Merlin says something to him. I can't make out exactly what their saying but they sound in a rush and worried. Why? Maybe it's Arthur. I got to tell them what I know and then maybe I'll tell Gwaine.

"Arthur. I need to save Arthur." I say barely a whisper but it still makes my throat ache furiously. I try again but louder this time, "I need to save Arthur. We need to save him."

Merlin stops what he's doing and turns to me. "She's awake." He says to Guise before rushing over to me. He begins placing blankets, many blankets over top of me and that's when I realize I'm hardly shivering and I'm dry. My hair is wet but the rest of me isn't and I'm wearing different clothing.

"M-m-my clo-clo-cloth-clothing." I say to him as my throat increases with pain and my voice becomes less recognizable.

"Don't worry." He says to me kindly. "A maid came and changed you out of your wet clothing and into your dry clothing. I hope you don't mind but I told her to go in your chambers and get some of your own clothing to change you into."

I try to tell him that I don't mind but I can't.

"Guise?" Merlin says before turning to him and saying, "She can't talk anymore."

"Here. Give her this." I hear Guise say to him as their words become clearer to me.

Merlin grabs the small bottle filled with blue liquid from Guise and turns to me. He uncaps it and holds it up to my mouth. I swallow it all and immediately feel tired. The world around me becomes hazy and darker until I'm drifting to sleep.


When I try to remember where I was before it becomes fuzzy and difficult. I know there was someone there, a friend I think but I can't quite remember. It's more like a feeling than anything else but a really strong one. When I try to see a face the picture I do have fades and then disappears. One thing I know for sure is that it doesn't feel like I was there very long, maybe a few hours or a day at the most but that's about it.

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