Chapter Forty Eight

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Merlin tells him. He tells him that he has magic, and then all hell breaks loose. Arthur's sword is drawn and pointed at Merlin's heart. And yet Merlin doesn't move to defend himself, by magical or other means. He only stands and takes the lashes of words thrown at him. I want to get up and stop them, but I can hardly breathe, let alone stand.

"You're a sorcerer." States Arthur for the fifteenth time.

"Yes, I am." Responds Merlin.

"And I am not from this realm, nor from this world." I say from behind them both. "I came here for a purpose, and it was not..." I pause as agony rips through me while I stand. "To watch..." And then I am in the middle of them, by back to Merlin, and my face to Arthur. "You kill your most trusted adviser, and friend."

I am clutching at my wound.

"Arthur." I say as I pull up all the strength I have. "Look at me."

He looks at me, away from Merlin.

"Look at him, Arthur. Look at Merlin. Really look at him. What is he?"

Arthur looks at him and says, "A sorcerer. A liar. A traitor."

"What else?" I press as I hold back my pain.

He doesn't say anything, so I do.

"You're servant. You're friend. You're most trusted."

Arthur looks at me. "How can you say those things? You know what he has done."

"I do. I really do." I tell him. "He saved my life, mine, Gwaine's, and Lamorak's. He also saved yours, and countless more. Without him we would have lose, everything."

"You knew." He says, hurt.

"Please, Arthur, just listen."

His resolve his crumbling.

"Do you really think we would harm you? Side with Morgana? All I, and Merlin have done is try and save you." I tell him. "And that is why I am going to die, for you."

His sword lowers and he nods his head.

All my strength then leaves me, and Merlin is catching me. He holds me up, and hold carries me back to my spot from before. Arthur only watches, so very confused, and so much more. I look away from him and to Merlin.

"I am sorry, Merlin." I say to him.

"No, Missy." He says. "I am."


"Lamorak." Says Gwen to him.

Leon and Percival are by her side.

"Your Highness," Says Lamorak with a bow, "what can I do for you?"

"We need to talk about Eira." Says Percival, gently.

"What about her?"


Merlin tells Arthur a lot, and yet there is probably more. But all through it Arthur listens, intently. And when it is over and my turn, Arthur's eyes are kinder, maybe even more accepting. I tell him about the encounter with Merlin when I went to rescue Gwaine, and how Merlin saved all of our lives When I finish Arthur is staring intently into nothing.

"Arthur?" Asks Merlin.

"All that you've done..." He trails off. "And I didn't even know."


"Ahh!" I yell out as a sharp pain fills my stomach.

"Missione?" Asks Arthur as he is by my side with Merlin.

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