Chapter Forty Five

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His lips are on mine, and mine on his. We move in sync, desperately trying to get something from each other. Love. Reassurance. Hope. And a little desperation. It feels so right. It feels so good. I don't stop, and neither does he. My cheeks and lips are burning with heat, and I can feel his lips doing the same. We're burning, burning together in a fever. His hands are on the sides of my face, and then in my hair; one of mine is tangled in his hair, while the other is on the back of his neck and then back to the side of his face. We're a mess, all tangled together.

And then he is nipping at my bottom lip, trying to let himself in, and I let him. If it is possible, our kisses become more demanding, greedy, and heated. There is no breath left in me, he has stolen it away. I don't care. He can have my breath. He can have me. Because we are together, we are save, and we are loved.


"So, where is it that you hail from?" Asks Gwaine with smile.

He smiles a lot I've noticed.

"I come from a cottage close by." I tell him. "What of you?"

He gulps down the last of his cup of ail and says, "I travelled before coming to Camelot."

"And how did you become a Knight?"

"Well, Missy, it was a beautiful day full of beautiful maidens when I made my way into the tavern in a neighboring village. I was just fighting bandits, you see, and saving life only hours before when I took that seat. And it was only a few minutes later when in walked the Princess and Merlin.

"They were arguing some when this big oaf of man came in and demanded the tavern's hand's money. I was going to jump in and stop him when the Princess swooped in and demanded that he leave her be. That's when Merlin said something, none particularly good and more the oaf's men came in. That's when I jumped in, and a fight started.

"I fought bravely, as did Merlin, the Princess mostly stood around. Then out of nowhere there was a knife, aimed at him. I jumped in and took the knife for him. They must have taken me back to Camelot where I woke."

"And is that when you became a Knight?" I asked, somewhat mystified by his story. "And are you sure the King would not have fought more bravely?"

Ignoring my second question he says, "No. That was when Uther was still King. He was a right git that one. Cruel and unkind. No, I became a Knight when the Princess took the throne, or maybe it was Morgana. There was a war going on."

He stops talking and fills up another cup.

"Will you not tell me more?" I ask, increasingly curious about his adventures, and of this supposed war.

He smiles in his charming way, making me smile as well as he says, "It is not for the faint of heart."

"I'm sure I can handle it."

"Well... Morgana had taken the throne, by force of course, and when..."


We pull apart from the feverish kissing, but not from each other. I can still feel his breath on my face as I try to catch my own. I can hear him doing the same. Our foreheads are rested on each others, and our hands stay tangled in each others hair and on the sides of our faces. We do not let go. We have done that far too often, and for far too long.

I look up at him. He's looking down slightly as I place my hand on his cheek, close to his lips and just below his jaw. His dark chocolate brown eyes look up at mine, and I look back. We stare at one another for a long time. No words are spoken.

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