Chapter Thirty Nine

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There is a man standing in front of us all, tall and large, very intimidating. He wears a long coat of animal skins, and he holds a large staff in his hand. He has dark brown hair and a beard. His eyes look to be brown but when I turn my head slightly they look blue. He holds power and authority, or so it feels like. And even with eight other Knights and the greatest most powerful warlock to ever walk the earth, I am frightened.

We all unsheathe our swords and slowly stand.

"What is it you seek here?" Asks Arthur.

The man turns to him and says, "I seek help, Arthur Pendragon, from you and your Knights."

Arthur looks as though he is considering his words then asks, "What is your name?"

"Most call me Audric."

"What is it you need help with?" Asks Gwaine.

"My children." He admits gravely. "They have been kidnapped and held for ransom."

Then asks Lamorak, "What is the ransom?"

Audric looks up and meets all our eyes. "My life."


"My son Emroy, and my daughter Oriolda." Explains Audric. "We must go now before it is too late."

We all have put our weapons away and are now talking to the man. He keeps insisting that we leave now, but Arthur...

"Now hold on, we need to plan. We can't just go in blindly." Says Arthur. "Tell me all you know of these people."

"They will not let my children go, they will kill them and make me watch. They are brutal and merciless. We must go now. They're camp is not a thirty minute ride from here."

Arthur looks down, then up again. "Okay, we will help you."

Audric nods. Then Arthur looks over at all of us and says, "We'll leave as soon as we are packed. Let us hurry."


We do just that and soon we are off on a well ridden path. No one talks much, but I know we are all preparing for the battle ahead. What Audric said about the deaths of his children happening in front of him...? Well it scares us all. Who are these men? What brutal savages are they?

"So, who exactly are these men?" Asks Gaheris.

"They are to be feared." Says Audric.

"Yes, but who are they? Do they have a name of sorts?"

There's a moment of silence before Audric answers. "They call themselves the Ácolitusas."

"What?" I ask as soon as he says the name. "Are you sure?"

Everyone stares at me strangely except for Merlin.

"Yes." Confirms Audric. "But they are not. They only claim to be."

I sigh in relief as he continues. "They are worse. The Ácolitusas only kill who they think is wrong, the ones who claim to be them kill for the fun of it. Of course it still is people they consider wrong but... It's more for the pleasure."

"I feel sick." Whispers Gareth.

"We all do." I whisper back as my stomach lunges. I then turn to Audric and ask, "Then where do these men come from?"

Audric looks ahead as he says, "They were the last sons, sent away by their fathers whom believed that they were cursed, as there prophecies tell them..."

He pauses.

And Merlin fills in the blanks for the rest of us.

"They are the last sons of the Ácolitusas."

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