Chapter Forty Four

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The ride to Camllan is eerie and silent, full of unsaid fear and nerves. We believe in our King, but that does not change the fact that is will be the end for so many of us. Many will be slain in battle, some will be too severely wounded to be saved, and others will live with the horrors of this battle in their minds for many days to come. And then there are the ones like me, afraid, not of being slain, or wounded, or the horrors that will be trapped in our minds, but of the fall of King Arthur, of our brothers, and of Camelot.

Gwaine has yet to arrive but he will be shortly, hopefully with Merlin, and hopefully with news of a better destiny. A twist of good fate will also be welcome. For I have no plan, all I can think to do is stay by Arthur, by my King's side throughout the battle. What else am I to do? Time has run out, and with it my hope and prayers.

My brother is gone. He has left and I have no idea where he is. Does he plot my death? The King's? Merlin's? Does he now think of how he will destroy Camelot, or of how he will concur her and take her as his own? Alone? Or with Morgana at his side? And where does he reside? Where is he? Why did he have to go? And why did I let him?


Soon we come to stop in front of what can only be described as a bowl, or maybe where a really big explosion went off. The place is surrounded by large rock walls and maybe a few caves. There is not where to escape, nowhere to retreat, nowhere to get out. Once you are in there, you are practically trapped. This is most defiantly the fated land.

"This is it, Camllan, the fate of the kingdom will be decided here. We'll make camp and take up our positions." Says Arthur.

"This is a death trap sire." States Leon from my right.

"That's the idea." Responds Arthur in sureness, and maybe a hint of his own fear.

"Morgana will have no means of escape, but neither will we."

"They will always out flank us, this is our only chance." Encourages Arthur. But even I can see that he is somewhat afraid, maybe not of losing or dying, but maybe for his Kingdom and his people.

I look out across the land once again. I can't help the images of battle and of blood in my mind as I picture what is to come. There will be so much blood that will be split here, I know it, and I can feel it. The cries of agony and screams that pierce your soul. The smell of blood and metallic taste of it. Metal on metal, warriors and Knights fighting to get the upper hand. This will be it. This is the end.

"It ends here, be it life or death, it ends here." I announce to no one in particular, but I know they heard me. And I know that they can agree.


Where are they? Where is Gwaine? Where is Merlin?

We have already made camp, and the sun is just beginning to leave, but they have not returned. I am worried. Gwen tells me not to worry, but how can I not? Lynette says that she is sure he will return soon, before the battle starts. I hope and pray that she is right. I haven't gotten the chance to say...

Where exactly was Merlin going? And why did Gwaine need to go with him?


"Come Missy." Says Gwen from across the fire. "Tell us a tale."

I look to her, and then the others. Lynette looks a little curious, and so does Gareth, but neither say anything. They both have dark circles under their eyes and a sadness that follows them, a sadness that will follow them for a very long. My own weighs me down as I am remind of Al, Elie, Alex, and Mordred. How he left, and the repeated question of, where has he gone? I shake it away and attempt a smile. Gwaine and Merlin have yet to return. Telling a tale will distract me.

"Alright." I say. "I will tell you a tale."

Talking ceases as I make myself comfortable and begin.

"Long ago there lived a great man. He was tall, and scrawny looking, but old, very old. He had a long white beard that reached the tip of his toes, and blue eyes that told storied you would not believe. He had the world's kindness and wisdom in his. He loved many, and was loved by many. But he had a secret, a terrible secret that he could not tell a soul, for they would not understand. So he kept it to himself every day of his life as he did his job.

"Now his job was different from many, his job was to serve a richly lived King, and make sure he was happy and live well. But the King had many enemies you see; he was close to death on many occasions, but he was saved, by the great, old man. Of course the King never knew of this, no, for if he did the great man would in deep trouble. For the King's laws went against this secret that the great man had. So he never told the King.

"After many years of serving the King, he finally told him. He told his secret. The King flew into a furry of rage. He flew things, and destroyed this, and cursed the great man to his grave. All the while the King was doing this the great man could have left. He could have sneaked out and never be seen of again. But he stayed. He stayed by the King's side.

"And when the King was done cursing and throwing objects, the great many kneeled in front of him and said, 'my life is yours to do with what you wish. I am sorry I lied, but your laws went against mine, and therefore you would have been against me, and I would not have been able to protect and save you.' Now the King, he looked down at this great man, and you know what he saw?" I ask the crowd of listeners. They have no answer, and so I continue. "He saw his friend. His befriend. He saw his other half. And so he simply said to the great man, 'then I must change my laws.' And after that, they lived peacefully side by side, no more secrets, no more lies. There was peace."

I look up at everyone.

"So what was his secret?" Asks Gaheris.

I smile. "He was a troll."

Everyone laughs.


"Gwaine." I say as I spot him coming closer.

I run up to him and catch him in an embrace. He hugs me back and asks, "Miss me?"

I laugh. It is good to see him again, even if I did so just yesterday.

"Where is Merlin?" I ask.

"He says he will return in due time." Gwaine answers.

I deflate a little at the answer, the battle is tomorrow, but he promised. He will be there.

"Everyone has gone to rest."

"I am a bit tired myself."

I look up at him as sadness and happiness fight inside of me. I could never see him again.

"Shall we?" I ask, indicating to what was supposed to be just my tent.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I nod my head. "On the morrow we do battle. Let us not waste any more days... Or nights."

He laces his fingers with mine. And then we are walking to my tent.

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