Chapter Sixteen

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Birds are singing, and water is running down and in-between rocks, almost like a stream. The grass is moist underneath my fingers as I move, and the sun is warm on my face. My sword hilt is cold to the touch as I rest my hand on it and open my eyes. I blink twice before sitting up from the ground where only a few patches of grass lay. I look over to the man beside me and hope he is alive.

Sure enough, after two peaceful silent moments I hear his breathing and watch as his chest moves up and down. I sigh in relief and lean over him. I untie the cloth around his wounds and look for infection, there are none for now. I need water and lavender, maybe something else. His wounds are starting to heal but they can get infected or worse in no time. I have to move quickly.

I find some trees a little ways away from him and relieve myself before looking at what vegetation surrounds me. We are in a dryer area but I can hear a stream to my right and lavender grows in dry areas, so I should go left which I do. After searching for a few minutes I find a large patch of it and pick as much as I need. I bring it over near King Arthur and set it by his side, then search for the stream. I dip the end of my shirt in the water after drinking some for myself and bring it over to the King. I remove the bandages and ring out the water on them. Surprisingly he hardly stirs and only shifts a little in his sleep. I ring out the flowers that I soaked in the stream earlier on the wounds, I repeat this two more times until I'm sure it's good enough. When I finish I bring the bloody stained cloth to the stream and let it soak for a while. After, I tie them back on tightly and go in search of food.

I don't stray too far away from the King and after about half an hour of searching I begin to hear a soft hum. It grows louder and louder until I realize what it is; horse hooves. I stop what I'm doing and race back to the King. The horses and I'm sure people are coming from the north so I drag him behind the large oak tree facing the west and wait. They come closer and closer with each passing minute, making me conclude that they must me riding leisurely, slow. I hold my breath as they are surely in sight by now and wait.

"What's go"- The King's voice isn't too loud but loud enough. I cover my hand over his mouth as our eyes make contact and put my finger to my lips in a sign to keep quiet. I remove my hand slowly and we both stay as still as possible as we hear a young man's voice speak.

"West, I think."

I grip my sword hilt, ready to fight as much as I can before –

A noise from the South draws my attention as I see the King's arm raised towards there. He must have thrown something to get them of our trail. I sigh quietly as relief fills me and the fear washes away as they head south. I risk a look at their retreating forms and find that they are the same people who attacked us before. I want to go after them but I know I can't do that alone, so I push that feeling away and wait until I can hear them no more.

"What happened?" King Arthur asks almost as soon as they are gone.

"We were attacked and you were injured, Sire." I tell him. "I dragged you away from the fighting, all the way here."

"And the others?" He asks.

"Last I saw of them, they were fighting the attackers, my Lord."

"And you left them? Alone?"

I can hear anger laced in his tone, but why is he be angry? I saved his life?

"You were dying, I saved you're life." I defend.

"You shouldn't have left them, or that fight. That's not we do. I would have been fine." He says.

"I didn't want to take that chance, Sire."

He whispers under his breathe, "You should have."

I feel ashamed and disgraced but I wouldn't change anything. King Arthur's safety and life will come first, always. I know that many would agree.

"We need to get back to Camelot." Says the King.

I nod in agreement as he tries to get up. I help him as we walk but it is difficult on him with his injury and I can't carry him all the way, not quite. So throughout the day we walk, rest, eat the few berries we can find since there is no time to hunt and when it becomes dark we make a small camp. I make a small fire as darkness descends all around us.

"At the rate we're going we should make it back to the city in a few hours to another day." Says the King.

"Most likely, your Highness." I agree.

"Please, just call me Arthur."

"Alright, your m- Arthur."

There is a few minutes of silence, the only sound being the crackle of the fire when he interrupts it by asking, "If you don't mind me asking; where did you come from?"

"What exactly do you mean?" I ask a little confused by his question.

"Where's your home, and where did you learn to fight so well?"

Oh, I understand now.

"My mother died when I was three or four. I don't really remember her at all, but when I try, I feel a warmth that I think only a mother can give you. My father and I weren't close. When she died he"- I stop talking then, looking down and then up again as I continue. "I had an older brother but he left when I was just a child. What about you? If you don't mind me asking, my Lord."

"Arthur. And I don't mind. My mother died when I was born and my father, the late King a few years ago. I never had any brothers, only a sister." He answers as sadness and some anger cross his features before it changes and he says, "But how do you fight so well? Who taught you?"

"When I was just becoming a young woman I left my home and found a new one. I found Al who was like a father and mentor to me, he was also the one who taught me. He taught others as well, alongside me. There was Elie and Alex, and also Mordred for a while which is how I know him. After a while when I was done learning all he could teach me, I left to Camelot where I met you, Sir Percival, and Sir Gwaine. Later to meet many others. I thank you for that Arthur." I say, choosing to ignore for now what he said about a sister.

He doesn't say anything else and neither do I as he goes to sleep, and I take the first watch. I am very tired and don't register nor notice of the hooded, dark shadow walking between the trees until my dreams remind me of it and the morning sun wakes me.

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