Chapter Nineteen

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"I'm sorry, I must have heard you wrong." Says the woman with a sneer and an eerie voice.

The man gulps nervously and summons all of his courage before saying, "The girl is to be Knighted tomorrow, my Lady."

The woman takes large deep calming breathes as the familiar anger, hate and resentment fills her veins like blood. It is filling her whole body as it begins to shake ever so slightly and her breathing becomes erratic and unknown. Her eyes begin to flash with gold as pots and jars of substances begin to explode all around them. Liquids and solids alike flow through the crevices of the floor of the hovel, staining them indefinitely. While this is happening the man tries to cover himself away from the pieces of glass and other sharp objects that can do him harm. He doesn't do a very good job. Small pieces of glass and larger vase pieces either bounce off of him or embed themselves into his skin. Luckily they are very few and far between, and his face has only one on his left temple. The Lady has none.

"How is this possible? First you lose her and then you come to tell me that she is to be a Knight of CAMELOT!? TOMORROW!" Yells the woman as she explodes in more anger if that is even possible. Shelves tumble over and more things begin to break as she screams and yells insults at the man and damns many to a painful death and eternity. Once she is done and her anger is partly controlled, the man speaks again.

"Mordred is a Knight." He says quietly.

The woman bangs her fist hard on the table as everything that is left standing beside her and the man begins to shake, tumble and fall. Even the hovel begins to move as dirt sprinkles down from the walls or more commonly known as the ground. It gets more violent and quicker and pretty soon the man knows that he might not live through this.

"That girl was to replace Mordred." She speaks slowly and threateningly. "She was to kill Arthur but now SHE MIGHT JUST SAVE HIM AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR INCOMPETENCE! YOU FOOL! I should just kill you right now. Lucky you, your still useful. My first sacrifice didn't live long enough to make it to the lake, but you just might." She says.

"Lady Morgana." He starts to plead.

"Enough. I've made up my mind."

The Lady Morgana says a few words in a language the man doesn't understand, but does recognize, and then she is gone. She vanishes through thin air, leaving the man all alone as dirt and wood come crashing in. His last thoughts are of his son that passed on only weeks ago and his pregnant wife, along with his two twin daughters.

"I'm sorry."


The stars are out, making their appearance all the more well-known against the blacken sky that holds no clouds. The moon is a crescent and reminds Missione of something she can't completely remember, something that happened long ago. She shakes her head, as if to get the thought away and takes a seat in the middle of the training field. She is tired, nervous, excited, but mostly scared and feeling more alone than ever. Most people would be out celebrating but all Missy can do is nothing and even that seems almost too much.

"Mind if I sit here?" Asks a familiar voice from behind her.

"Sure." She responds recognizing the voice.

Sir Gwaine sits down next to Missione but she doesn't look his way. Lately she has been doing that, and lately he has noticed. Gwaine isn't exactly sure how to feel about Missy and she in turn isn't exactly sure about how to feel of him either. When Gwaine first laid eyes on her as she fought off those bandits and held her own, he was a little amazed and shocked and angry. He wasn't sure why he was angry at first but soon after their first encounter he realized. He realized how much she reminded him of what his sister could have been, of what she wanted to be, and of how when the last time he saw her all those years ago, all she wanted was to hold a sword and learn; and how he didn't want her to because he wanted to protect her and not have her have to protect herself, she shouldn't need to do that. He is angry. The more he met and been around Missione, the more he realized his sister was right to leave so that she could learn. His anger faded. Missy is her own complete person. She is something different, something Gwaine has never encountered before and something he wants to know and understand. She isn't just something though, she is a person, and a maiden that has grabbed his attention and probably will never let it go.

At first Missy failed to notice or didn't want to but she eventually did and it scares her. It also makes her very curious of what she's noticed and what she feels. It is almost like a seed, a small one that is there, always, but never growing and when she met him, it started to. Call it love, a complication, a distraction, or even impossible but it is something and right now it is something that Missy needs, something she needs the most right now.

"What are you doing out at this late hour?" Sir Gwaine asks her.

"I could be asking you the same thing." Missy tells him. "But I know better than to ask."

The words bitter on her lips and tongue by the meaning they really hold. She isn't blind and she knows what Gwaine does on his spare time and it doesn't feel right. It feels wrong for him to be doing that while he talks to her and that makes her feel guilty and selfish. 'Gwaine can do whatever he wants, it's not up to me,' she thinks and knows.

"I was on my way to the tavern for a drink when I saw you sitting here. So why are you here?" He answers.

"Nervous and scared I guess. Sir Leon told me that many opposed the idea of me becoming a Knight at first and many still do." She says half truthfully.

"Yeah, but they can't deny that you would make a great Knight and you're pretty handy with a sword. I told them they better be careful not to say anything too mean around you or you might just challenge them to a duel of some kind like Leon."

"Thank you."

They were both smiling and chuckling a little by now.

"You're welcome. You will be okay. Don't worry about the princess, he isn't that bad."

"I know." She says quietly, barely loud enough for him to hear. "Thanks again. I'll try to go get some rest, you should too."

In less than seven seconds Missy kisses him on the cheek and leaves.

He smiles to himself, and then gets up too.


Missione gets her armour, chainmail, cape and everything else essential for a Knight to wear from Merlin. Of course it isn't entirely the same as everyone else's, it was made a little smaller some places, and bigger in others so it would fit, just right. She declined Merlin's help and put it on herself in her own, new room in the castle. It is by the other Knight's chambers but at a respectable distance away. After everything is on except for the most important thing to her, Missy looks at herself in the mirror, really looked. Some things she likes, like her unique crooked nose and the fact that she is taller than most woman, but some she doesn't, like her dull eyes and duller hair, but what is most important right now, is that she is so very close.

Missy places her sword by her side and walks out of her room, cape in stride. She walks to the large room and up to where the Queen and King sit in their high and mighty chairs. The King raises from his spot as she kneels in front of him with her head held high.

"By doing this one simple act of allowing a woman to become a Knight of Camelot we are marking a new day and a new era for Camelot. This won't always happen and this might be not only be a first but also a last. I allow and encourage this to be, because in the short time that I've known Missione, I know her to be brave, courageous, and most of all loyal.

"I ask you Missione, never to do outrageously nor murder, and always to flee treason; also, by no mean to be cruel, but to give mercy unto them that ask mercy, upon pain of forfeiture of their worship and lordship of me, King Arthur for evermore; and always to do other ladies, damsels, and gentlewomen succor upon pain of death. Also, that no man take no battles in a wrongful quarrel for no law, for no world's goods. Will you do all that I ask?" Says King Arthur to Missy.

"Yes." Is her answer.

King Arthur's sword goes on one shoulder and then the other.

"Arise, Lady Missione, Knight of Camelot."


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