Chapter Thirty Four

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We are having another Round Table meeting, the first I or Gwaine will have been present for in a long while due to our injuries. Now though, I no longer use a crutch and am practicing as usual. Gwaine practices with the others as well and even though he tires easier than the others, he is healed. So we take our seats. I notice as we sit down that Gaheris sits across from us, next to any empty seat due to the two fallen knights from an attack from Saxons about a week ago. There is still one last empty seat but it has not been determined of who will take place there. It has to be soon though.

When everyone is seated Arthur begins with his legendary speech and then says, "The first matter we have to discuss is the nomination of Lamorak to become a Knight by our very own, Lady Knight Missione." He looks to me as he speaks. "Please, make your case."

I feel my face redden slightly as all eyes land on me. "Well," I say quietly as first as I struggle with my words. I wasn't prepared for this. I look through all the faces and see the encouragement of many friends, and discouragement from others whom believe me not worthy of uttering a syllable at this table. But then Lamorak's face enters my mind, and the memories of how he helped me, of why I'm here now, and I can continue. "Lamorak saved my life more than twice and he saved Gwaine's. He did this, not for reward, nor fame, nor for any gain. He did this act, only because it is right. He is noble and just; he only wishes to help those whom need it. He has a kind heart, and he isn't so bad in the area of strength." A few chuckles. "We need men like him to represent what Camelot is, and to show people that there is still good in these dark times. He fights for a better, just world; as we all do."

There's a moment of silence before Arthur says, "All in favour of Lamorak becoming a Knight?"

More than half of the people sitting around the table raise their hands, including me. Lamorak will get what he deserves. I smile.

"Sorry to interrupt, Sire." Says a voice. I, and all the others turn our heads to where the voice comes from and find a man, a servant standing in the doorway, Alan, his name is.

"It is fine. Tell us why you call so urgently?" Says Arthur.

"Yes. A damsel has asken for an audience with the're King."

"Do you know her name or"-

He doesn't get to finish. Indeed a damsel it is comes running in. She slips by the guard and kneels only a few inches from the table. A bemused Gareth runs in after her, but stops as he sees that she has stopped as well. She looks tired, exhausted in every sense of the word as she begins to speak. "Please, oh great King of Camelot, please help I."

"What is it fair Lady?" Asks Arthur.

She looks as though she hasn't slept in years, full of worry, and in need of help. She is tall, a little taller than me even and strong. Her hair hangs loose and long around her shoulders. Dirt clumps fill it, and more dirt is gathered all around her. Her dress is ripped and dirty. Her face is almost completely covered in dirt and grime. It's hard to see the light freckles hidden underneath, or those striking blue/green eyes, or even the faded orange color of her hair. Yet I could see her grace, elegance, and beauty; we all can.

"My sister, Sire, the Lady Lionesse has been taken and kept prisoner in a great manor." Her words all blend together in light, soft silver.

"By whom?"

"A wicked tyrant who has destroyed all her- our lands. He is the Red Knight of the Red Lawns."

"How many Knights do you think we will need?" Arthur asks counsel of Leon.

Before Leon can respond the damsel says, "No. You must only send one. It is too dangerous to send many. If he sees you coming, or anything that spooks him, he will kill her. Please."

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