Chapter Six

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I was only 14 years old when I got taken out of my world and put into this one. I'm angry and I'm sad, but I'm also happy that I got stuck here. I and Elie have become good friends, even Alex has become less unwelcome to me, and then there is Mordred who is like a brother to me. I still haven't told them my past. I am seventeen and I am never got to go back to school. I'm never going to graduate, never get a job, and... Will I ever get married? Have a family? Probably not. In this time, people don't take too lightly to woman with swords or any kind of power. I'll never have a normal life, I'll never get one. I've never really thought of it before. Most people would say they that they are happy but I miss it. I miss the chance to have a life I never knew. Even though I have these thoughts, I've already decided that this was my life now. I will learn to hold a sword with might and power. And one day I will watch as Camelot, Albion, becomes the greatest and most powerful place alive. With its King, Queen, Knights, and Merlin all intact.

Time passes as it does and I spend a few more years with Mordred, Elie, Alex, and Al learning the art of swordsmanship, getting better each day until I no longer was a child of the past but a woman of the future.


Three summers and I am now eighteen with basic training, beginner, and intermediate all taught to me with only a couple more courses to go before I know all Al does and I can't pretend that I'm not scared for that day. Mordred now fifteen and at the same level as me shocks us all one evening when he makes a life altering decision that we never heard him utter a word of, beforehand.

"I'm leaving." He says one summer evening as we all sit down around the wooden table for dinner, laughter and stories. "I can't stay here for ever and now is as good a time than any to say goodbye. Thank you, for everything you have done for me."

We all look up, shocked, surprised and saddened greatly at his words as he holds his head, not down in shame but up and sturdy full of determination. I see a spark in him this day and I know that I will never forget it as we finish our last meal together. When we're finished our meal the dirty dishes that are usually quickly swept up and taken to wash are now left touched by none around the table. We are all too busy watching as Mordred leaves us, for what feels like a long time.

He walks to his and Elie's room, packing what little possessions he obtained here and what he has from before. I watch all of this from my spot in the kitchen, not being able to move until he walks out of the small cottage where I follow him as do everyone else. I walk down the stone steps and into the large green, grass ground as I look up at the appearing stars in the dark night sky. My eyes turn back to Mordred's darkening form as he says his goodbyes.

He starts with Al, then Alex, Elie, and finally he stops at me. We are both looking at each other, not knowing what to say nor do. His blue eyes seem more like glowing crystals under the fascinating moonlight as I look straight at them, seeing as how we are the same height. His smile, illuminated by the moonlight is even whiter than before.

"We'll just be inside Missy." Says Al's soft older, gruffer voice as he and the others walk inside, leaving me to say goodbye to Mordred alone.

"I just want more freedom Missy. Go out and see the world; go on quests, save damsels, and meet people. But most of all I just want freedom, which is knowing that nothing can hold me back. Please understand." He pleads grabbing my hands into his.

"I do." I answer with a tight smile hoping it is believable enough. I don't really know what he's talking about and I certainly don't know what this kind of freedom is, the one without people and friends, without goals or dreams, but he is my brother and if he believes it then it is good enough for me.

He smiles, pulling me into a warm, tight hug. I hug him back. I don't let go until he does. He walks over to the small area where a few horses are kept and grabs the reigns of the one that is his. I don't have my own yet but then again I don't need one, not yet anyway. Mordred turns back with a sad smile and whispers so low that I can barely hear him, "ábéodan."

I smile my own smile at the old language he speaks with his tongue, the one he taught me and say even though he is already gone, "Lóclóca ðu hilt."


The next few weeks are normal, or as normal as they can be with Mordred gone and our chores back to the way they were before... Before Mordred came. The days go by slowly, almost painfully slow for me, for I have no motivation any longer with him gone as crazy as it sounds that's what he is along with a brother. I don't realize at first but I need the motivation, I need him, I need my brother, and now, now I don't know what to do.

So, for the next few weeks I question many things, family, friends, myself, life, and the future here and where I was. What should I do? That is the big question that leaves me awake almost all night and it makes my aim off almost all the time. I'm not motivated so what is the point of continuing to learn the art of swordsmanship? What was the point of even being here? I guess you can say that I have fallen into a sort of depression that I am all too familiar with, and I hate it.

Finally deciding that enough is enough, that Al, Elie, and Alex don't really need me, and that there is no point in this, I leave. I wait until the dead of night, pack some clothes and food into an old rutty knapsack of Alex's that was just recently passed on to me, and walk out of the cottage door. I didn't look back and I don't care.

I only take five steps into the forest before I realize what I did to them and how selfish I am being, but still, I have no motivation, no point. But they are... I care about them, and they me. I can't just abandon them, not like my father and brother did to me, even if there is no motivation in me. I will stay, for them, for as long I can and for as long as they need me. I start to turn back but stop when a light in the distance is noticed by me, a torch. It comes closer as I freeze from fear with my hand on the hilt of my sword that's buckled to my side.

A recognizable large figure walks through the trees in the darkness and it is only when he holds up his torch towards me do I fully see who he really is. He is tall, a few inches taller than me with black hair and a black gruffly beard and moustache. Dark eyes and an even darker face. What stands out the most is what he wears which shocks me into a stupor. Gleaming chainmail, armour, boots, and a large sword attached to his side in his scabbard, but out of it all, it is the red and gold cape attached to him bearing the mark of Camelot that Elie once drew for me. That's when it all clicks, when I realize that I really did land in Camelot and it really is all real, because standing right in front of me is real live proof. It is a Knight. A Knight of Camelot is standing right in front me.

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