Chapter Twenty One - Avalon, Part I

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When I open my eyes it's all fuzzy and I feel dizzy. It's hard to focus but I try anyways. What I'm left with is a blinding headache, nausea, and wet warm blood oozing out of my nose. On top of all that I feel lightheaded, almost like I am about to pass out and... Then I do.

I fall to the mushy ground as a figure runs towards me. It's blue and their eyes are a bright yellow. They lock onto mine and I see many different emotions pass through them. I want to say something but all that comes out is that wet sandy substance from before, from the lake. The lake, the Queen, Gwen...

Darkness... And... Safety...?


"Just tell me, please. Is she going to recover, and wake from her slumber?" Says a desperate voice that is foggy in my mind. It isn't speaking English, it is speaking in the tongue that Mordred taught me.

"Pryoca, be patient. I know what this means, I do. Patience. I have to speak with my sisters, so get her settled and when she wakes, then, bring her to us." Says a gentle but stern voice.

It is strange, but, it is like, like I feel her leave. I feel a lot of things right now that I can't quite understand and it is confusing but somehow right. I feel, whole in a way and it is wonderful. I didn't feel so, alone and it is like I found my other half. Does that make sense? Like I am pulled away and now reattached, like those objects that go on fridges. What were they called again? I don't remember. Now I feel confused but the fear that I felt from the beginning hasn't left me and it now only grows.

I feel a hand on my shoulder now, and I want to shake it off, but it's like my mind and body aren't connected, because when I try I don't move. The hand is uncomfortable in its own way. It's in the middle of lukewarm and ice cold, its unnatural, its inhuman but I feel something else. They are feelings that cut right through me, right to my core to the very center of what is me. Protection, safety, peace and guidance, they all fill me and make me whole.

I finally move and the movement is a delayed reaction from what I wanted to do before which is flinch. I fall out of the warm fuzziness that surrounds me and land on a cold, hard surface. My eyes open almost on their own and lock onto dark brown, almost black ones. They are surrounded by a face and it's a person, a person unlike any I have ever seen before. His skin is a lot darker than mine and his dark brown hair as well, almost black. He hunches over but if he were to stand up straight, he would be a lot taller than me, and more muscular. Even though he is completely different from the creature before, I know – I feel that they are the same.

"I don't bestow harm unto thee." He says in a deep voice as he holds up his large hands.

I reach for my sword hilt and when I grasp it in my hand, I feel relieved. I don't unsheathe it though, not yet. I have to be careful. I know nothing of my surroundings and even less of the people or, creatures. So I wait and say nothing as he does the same. I try not to move but my eyes have a mind of their own, and I find them searching for what surrounds us.

It's still a little fuzzy, almost like I'm seeing through someone else's glasses but I manage to make out most of it. It's a stone room, very large and spacious with only me and him, and this soft materiel that is a blanket, I think. It's blue and purple but for a minute it looks red. I look over for an exit behind the man/creature who is in front of me and see a doorway with no door. What is this place? My curiosity begins to burn as bright as a flame.

"Who are you? And where am I?" I ask the creature/man before me, slowly in the tongue that Mordred taught me. I'm not afraid of him, I know he won't harm me, I can feel it.

"I'm Pryoca-wit. Most call for me using only Pryoca." He answers. "What do most call for you?"

"Missy. Now where am I?"

He looks deep in thought for a few minutes before finally saying, "You come to be here by a passage that leads from yours to ours. The only passage I have knowledge of is through the lake. Yours call it the lake of Avalon, ours call it the lake of Déaþlicnes."

"Avalon?" I ask to make sure I understand correctly what he is saying. He nods. "I'm in Avalon? The place where all magic and all magical creatures are born? Is that correct?"


"Whoa." I say in English.

That means, that all the stories I read about this place were true? It's one thing for King Arthur and Camelot to exist, but Avalon? How? Why?

"Why am I here?" I ask Pryoca.

He looks at me with sadness and says, "The high priestesses will speak all."

I have more questions but there is no time because suddenly I'm not in that room anymore. I'm in a room full of power. I can feel it, I can feel it all.


"What about Missy?" Asks Mordred.

He is anxious to hear about Missy and he would have asked sooner if not for Arthur. Arthur insisted he wait since Gwen had been through so much and needed some rest. But now, now he can ask and finally he will know, they all will.

"She's – she's dead. Mordred, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Says the Queen as she begins to cry. "I watched her die. And- and I couldn't do anything. Nothing at all. I'm so sorry. I'm-I'm sor-sorry."

Arthur comforts her as Mordred takes a step back, then another, and another until he is no longer in the room. He would have jumped at the unexpected men waiting outside the King and Queen's chambers if his mind is in its right place. He would have noticed that it is Merlin, Sirs Leon, Percival, Gaheris, Gareth and finally Gwaine. Unsurprisingly Gwaine brakes the silence first by asking the dreaded and most sought out question, "Well? Where is she?"

Tears falling effortlessly down his face answer his and everyone else's questions. She is gone.

"Missione is dead."

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