PART SIX - Chapter Thirty Eight

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"He's happy." I tell Gwaine as we watch Gareth and Gaheris spare. Both their wives sit off to the side, watching.

"Gaheris too." Adds Gwaine.

I turn back to him as I say, "In the end that's all that matters, right?"

His eyes meet mine. "Yeah."

We both turn back to the brothers as Gaheris trips Gareth down and holds a sword to his throat.

"I win." Says Gaheris. "But don't I always?"

"I wasn't ready." Gareth grumbles.

"You lost fair, Sir Gareth." Says Leon as he walks towards them. He then turns to all us other Knights sitting 'round. "Whom else wishes to spare?"

"Us." Says Percival as he and Lamorak walk to the center of the field.

"I have four cups of ail on Percival." Says Gwaine.

"I have seven on Lamorak." Pitches in Gareth.

"Four? Seven?" Questions Gaheris. "I bet a round for everyone, with pickles, on Percival."

There are a few ooohs and awes from some of the Knights around.

"Really?" Says Lynette. "I have two silver pieces on Lamorak."

Stunned silence. Then, "What about you Leon?" Asks Gwaine. "You've gotta bet."

He doesn't say anything, the good Knight always, but then... "Two cups on Percival."


"Two cups on Percival." Decides Mordred.

"Missy?" Asks Gwaine.

"I have to go with Gareth and Lynette. One bronze on Lamorak." I answer. "He has an advantage."

"What's that?" Asks Gaheris.

I look at him and respond with, "He's older."

The spare begins, and all our eyes are glued to the fight in front of us.

It starts out innocent enough, but then it gets more violent, and competitive. Each brother gets a good blow in the other, but soon it's over. Gareth, Lynette, and I are right, Lamorak wins.

There are many cheers and boos, as us Knights begin to gain and lose riches.

"I guess it's to the tavern, then." Says Gwaine. "Losing betters pay, winners drink freely."

We all begin to walk to the tavern, even the Lady Lionesse after being coaxed into it by Gareth and her sister, when Arthur walks over to our group with Merlin by his side. Merlin is by his side always, he seems to fit there.

As they approach, I glance at Merlin as he glances at me, and then we quickly look away. We haven't really talked since that argument, and I don't think either of us will... At least not for a while.

"Ahh, Princess." Says Gwaine. "You missed the fi- spare between Lamorak and Percival."

"I'm sure it was very entertaining Gwaine." Arthur says. "But I was busy preparing."

"For what, Sire?" Asks Leon.

"For a hunting trip. And I would like all of you- Knights to join me."

"Really?" Asks Gareth surprised.

"Yes, Gareth. We will leave in the morning." Responds Arthur. "Be ready."

He and Merlin leave.

"So I guess we shall go to sleep instead of the tavern." Says Lamorak.

I try to hide my smile as Gwaine and Gaheris start to chuckle. Gwaine puts his arm around Lamorak's shoulders as we continue walking towards the tavern. "All in good time, friend."

Leon doesn't even bother to argue as we enter the Rising Sun, and drinks are soon passed around.

Laughter fills us all.


Leon, Lamorak, Gareth, and Mordred have only one to two drinks, while Percival, Lynette, and I have three to four drinks. Gwaine and Gaheris have over five. The next morning is slightly brutal for Gwaine and Gaheris, but luckily Merlin brings something from Guise for them and they sober up quickly. The rest of us weren't so foolish to drink more than four when we are going on a hunting trip- any trip so soon.

We wake at dawn and get on our horses shortly after. The Knights with a Lady waiting for them say their goodbyes as Arthur does for Gwen, and then we are gone from Camelot. We stop a few times during the day to look at some of the land but find nothing that any one likes and so we move on.

By the late evening we have stopped at a good place with a stream nearby, and we make camp.

Merlin makes stew which we all eat greedily, hungry from our journey. We all sit around the fire as the sun falls farther and farther from the earth.

"So, I said to him, 'You know, maybe if you knew any other color than purple you wouldn't have so much trouble telling the difference.' Because his face turned purple..." Carries on Gwaine.

"Is this story the same story you told on th last hunting trip?" Asks Arthur.

"And the one before that?" Adds in Mordred.

"Well maybe, but it's still as humorous as before."

"Give it up Gwaine." Says Gaheris. "Even I've heard that story more than twice."

Gareth murmurs, "I've heard It more than three times."

Chuckles from the others.

"Well, does anyone know a good tale?" Asks Arthur. "Other than Gwaine."

No one says anything.

"What about Missy?" Asks Merlin as he looks at me.

"What?" I say. "I don't think..."

"Do you Missy?" Asks Gareth Excited. Even Mordred's ears perk up. "Know any exciting tales?"

"Not exactly." I decide on. "I'm still very young. I haven't lived quite as much as a lot of you."

"Oh, come on Missy." Says Merlin. "You must know at least one."

Why is Merlin pushing me to tell a tale?

"Well, I guess there is one."

"Okay." Says Gareth practically jumping.

"Well then," Says Mordred. "Tell us."

I look at all my fellow Knights, Arthur, and Merlin. "When you found me in the water," I say looking at Gwaine, "I wasn't just thrown in there, I was thrown in long before you found me."

I look down, gathering my thoughts, and then I look up. "I followed Gwen when those men attacked us. Morgana was there and I tried to protect Gwen at all costs but I wasn't strong enough. I woke only to Morgana throwing me into that water. I fell to the bottom, and then I wasn't here, in this world... I was somewhere full of wonders and magic's..."

I tell them the story, but I leave out a few parts. No one can know that I chose another to live over Arthur in that moment. Because if I can't save Arthur, and that apple could have, then I am the one whom deserves to die.

"It was unlike anything I've seen, experienced... Or felt..."


A small noise wakes me, and apparently everyone else as we all sit up, swords pointing at the noise. Gaheris is the first and only one to speak. "What... the..."

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