Where It All Begins

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The bus ride to school took unusually longer than normal. But the bus driver told you guys it was because of the rain. He had to take a detour due to flooding. 

"Will we be late?", a kid asked.

"I won't make you late.", the bus driver replied. 

You sighed and put your earbud back in. Oh well more time to dream. You stared out the window and pictured what your life would be like if things were different. But you were also thinking about why Lily wanted to meet at your guys' lockers. That wasn't your usual meeting spot. But you'd find out soon enough. 

The bus pulled into the bus lane, and you were finally at school. You were towards the back so it was a little longer for you to get off. You did when you stepped into a big puddle. "Great", you mumbled to yourself. You walked through the doors with one squeaky shoe and saw Lily at the lockers. She motioned you to come over. So you did.

"Hey, what did you want to meet here for?", you asked her.

"Because this is where someone is going to meet me.", she said happily, but she had a smirk on her face so you knew she was up to something. 

That's when you realized who exactly she was talking about. "Lily, no! I can't do this- I'm leaving." You turned to walk away but you were stopped by almost running into someone. It was Jake 

"Oh my gosh I'm so s-sorry", you said looking up at him.

"It's okay, don't worry." He said and flashed a smile.

His smile is brighter than my future, you thought to yourself.

"Sup Lily." He said.

"Hey Jake", she replied.

"Well, it was cool seeing you guys. I have to go now, but see you around." He said.

You were in shock about what just happened.

"Holy cow you talked to him!" Lily said happily.

"Yeah! But I stuttered and I was apologizing for running into him." You said rolling your eyes. "Lily I'm never going have a chance with him. I always do something embarrassing."

"Yes you will! Don't doubt yourself."

"Hey what are we talking about?" your other best friend, Matt, asked.

"Y/N ran into Jake and then talked to him." Lily responded smirking.


"I talked to him because I had to apologize. Not exactly smooth, and it certainly won't help me move forward with him." You told both of them. Just then the bell rang and you guys all had first period together. 

"Come on let's go to math", Matt said.

"Gross", you and Lily said at the same time.

"Just come on", he said laughing and shaking his head. You three all walked to class laughing your heads off.

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